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First Name : Tony
Last Name : Scazzero
Country : United States
Comments : Hi Sunil,
I just want to say, that you have – by far – the best website on urine therapy.

You do have the best urine therapy website in the whole world.  I do not say that just to make you feel good.  I have researched it quite a bit. I will be happy to e-mail the file with all the websites so you can learn from them and share them if you like.

Here are 80 websites on urine therapy – yours is the best!

God has chosen you to let the whole world know about this miraculous cure.

 I also have a small one:

But it is not as good as yours. I am in the process of writing a book about it so I would like your permission to share some of your ideas and testimonies.
Tony Scazzero
Riverdale, MD. USA

The Human Body Can Take Care Of Itself.

When there is danger, the body immediately goes into a fight or flight mode. All parts of the body work together to maintain health. Blood coagulates when there is a cut, skin perspires to cool the body, the nervous system relays vital instructions to every cell, the heart and the lungs work hard 24/7 to pump blood and air through the body and the kidneys continuously filter the bloodstream every hour.

In addition, the kidneys create antibiotics and antiseptics whenever the body needs them. They are released through the urine. In the future, people wont believe they took toxic drugs when they had the most natural cure right inside their body. Traditional medical care is not always safe and it is very expensive. In order to survive sickness, one must look beyond traditional methods. Drink Your Own Water explains the underlying causes behind diseases besides the inside cure.

This is my new Book on Urine Therapy

In this book you will learn:

The toxic effects of chemicals
The implications of nuclear radiation
The nutritional problems caused by our diet
The hazards of medical mistakes
The kidneys advance system for healing
The remarkable ingredients in urine
Testimonies and history of urine therapy
Why urine is the ideal tonic for the restoration of health
Practical ways to utilize this personal remedy

Click Here to Order the Printed Version

Welcome to Drink Your Own

Get your FREE Download of my 25 page e-book titled:
The End of Disease

If you are prepared then this message will really inspire you. No one likes to be sick, which is why I have been researching this topic for almost 20 years. I think it is the handiest home remedy for any illness, big or small. But instead of listening to a doctor you have to study this profound theory and act on it. The results may surprise you.

Almost everyday something new arrives that supposed to change our lives. It may be true, it may even work. Everybody is looking for that next great invention, idea or magic bullet that will change the course of history or at least improve their lives. Finding that new something can be quite a challenge.

For instance, there are literally hundreds of alternative therapies or remedies for various illnesses. It would take a long time and a lot of money to try them all. Most people these days seem to have neither extra time or extra money. So how do you make sure something good doesnt pass you by? Maybe you just have to be desperate, lucky or be open-minded.

So heres a new one for all you who dont have time to deal with allergies, flu and chronic illnesses. There is a very old, free remedy that can heal just about any sickness or disease. It has been called the miracle cure yet it has been hidden from most peoples radar. Probably because the concept is so unappealing. In fact, many people call it disgusting, gross, nasty and literally hard to swallow.

This magic bullet for your sicknesses is none other than your own human urine. Created by filtering you blood hundreds of times every day, your urine is the most advance natural medicine you can take for any malady. It is a universal panacea because it works both externally and internally. Most people are unaware of its ingredients(it has literally thousands of ionic compounds) and its power for healing even incurable diseases.

Urine therapy can disinfect the any cut, wound, burn or sore on the outside. It works as an antiviral and anti-bacteria agent on the inside. It is produced in the the kidneys which acts like a personal pharmacy because it produces the antidote for any sickness that appears. Not only does it diagnose naturally but best of all, it is free. There have been several books written about it and there are quite a few websites attesting to its validity.

Many people have not had much luck treating their symptoms with the current medical system of testing, drugs and surgery. Some try it out as a last resort, some out of curiosity and some because they received revelations that it is a cure-all. Any way you look at it, the research and evidence for its viability grows everyday. It may come in handy next time you are in need of immediate medical care and cannot get it.


Dedicated to all those who want to heal themselvesTony Scazzero

tony@drinkyourownwater.comCopyright 2011The information in

this booklet is based on the authors research and experience.

Forthose who want to heal themselves, it is an overview to a free,

alternative medicine. Ifyou begin this treatment for a specific

ailment, try it at your own risk and please acceptresponsibility for

the results from any of the suggestions, procedures or

testimoniesdiscussed here. When the body is immunized by its own

medicine, true healing takesplace. Healing through this method

may cause the body to detoxify which can causeunpleasant

reactions. Additional study is recommended to comprehend its true

value. 2011 – All Rights Reserved. Page 1
Page 3
Table of Contents




…………….4Radiation Fallout &








………….9Testimonies and Case




……………13History of Urine











…………..18Urine Therapy is Effective in


8Substances Found in


Bibliography on Urine


Internet Resources on Urine


ences on Radioactive


Introduction Modern medicine has done a great job extending and

saving peoples lives,however the medical community has not been

able to overcome many dreadfuldiseases such as cancer, polio,

asthma, AIDS, lupus and diabetes. There are manynatural

therapies available such as homeopathic, immunotherapy,

acupuncture,essential oils, and massage just to name a few. Society

has not given the naturopathicway the acceptance or funding that

traditional doctors have. Physicians, withsophisticated equipment,

perform dozens of tests yet malpractice, misdiagnosis andwrong

drug prescriptions continue. In the hospital, a sick person may be

monitoredaround the clock with pain killers and antibiotics to treat

their symptoms. Most of thesemethods weaken the immune

system and atrophy the bodys own disease fightingmechanisms.

They interfere with the production of antibodies while creating

addictionsto the products that were meant to heal them. This

approach compounds the initialproblems and is only a Band-Aid

technique of treating the symptom, not treating thecause. The fact

is, despite all the medical breakthroughs, modern medical science

hasyet to come up with a cure for even the common cold.

Meanwhile, every year over 7 million people worldwide die from

cancer. Thelifetime probability of developing cancer is 1 in 2 for

men and 1 in 3 for women in theUnited States. The American

Cancer Society estimates cancer will become the leadingcause of

death worldwide after 2010. Even as research and treatment has

increaseddramatically and funding has soared, the number of men

and women diagnosed withcancer continues to rise. The

government has spent billions of dollars for medicaltreatments that

have no success in curing patients. Medical researchers have

producedsignificant accomplishments in the last 100 years, yet new

maladies like super bugs,swine flu and H1N1 are on the increase

and some old ones, e.g. whooping cough, aremaking a comeback.

Conventional medicine needs to be brutally honest how things

arefalling short. It is more than an inconvenience to be stricken

with disease and having nocure. It is time to stop the madness and

start thinking for ourselves regarding health. 2011 – All Rights

Reserved. Page 3
Page 5
Chapter 1 Radiation Fallout & Disease The health impact of the

worldwide dispersion of radioactivity from nucleartesting has

significantly affected public health and the environment. Between

1945 and1980, the U.S, the U.S.S.R, the U.K., France and China

carried out more than 500atmospheric tests of nuclear weapons

totaling the explosive equivalent of 440 megatonsof TNT.

Microscopic, radioactive isotopes circulated in the air and

eventually settled intothe ground and the water. The years of

nuclear weapons testing cause ionizingradiation to go into the

atmosphere where it became a global radioactive fallout.

Whenthere were nuclear explosions, the spontaneous emission of

alpha, beta and gammarays from the disintegration of the nuclei of

atoms produced much harm the mostserious being the altering of

the genetic makeup of cells. Many of these radioactiveelements got

into the ground and the water and were eventually ingested

throughfoodstuffs. Highly toxic charged molecules known as free

radicals destroy cellmembranes. The gradual and dangerous

mutation of cells caused by free radicalscauses cancer yet has an

almost undetected latency period. Many other diseases stemfrom

the genetic altering effects of radiation which affect chromosomes.

However, theleading long-term hazard associated with ionizing

radiation is increased cancer rates.The legacy of open-air nuclear

testing includes a significant increase of thyroidcancer, leukemia

and certain solid tumors. The scope of the problem can only

bedescribed as devastating. Yet the majority of Americans are not

aware of the gravedangers of nuclear pollution. Nearly every family

has been scarred by the painfulsuffering and the tragedy of

premature death due to cancer. Amazingly, this cause haseither

been ignored or overlooked even though radiation pollution could

be consideredtodays number one worldwide environmental

hazard. The cancer risks of fallout from 2011 – All Rights

Reserved. Page 4
Page 6
nuclear tests can be understood more fully in the 2006 issue of

American Scientists at:

es/i131/fallout.pdf. Evidence indicates appreciable quantities of

radioactivity continue to find its wayinto the environment. Nuclear

reactor accidents, like Chernobyl in 1986, continue toincrease

cancer risks. In addition, low rate exposure released by nuclear

technologieshas done far more damage to plants, animals than

previously thought. Onceradioactive fission products enter the food

chain, all immune systems becomevulnerable. The lethal impact of

ingesting fission products may continue to persistthroughout most

peoples lifetime.These are the hard realities and without

understanding the origin of this problemthere is no way to deal with

it. Decades of study of fallout from nuclear testing hasimproved

awareness of the effects from radiation exposure. This will assist in

beingbetter prepared to respond to nuclear terrorism and in

educating the populace if anyfuture event disseminates radioactive

materials into the atmosphere.Meanwhile, there is a treatment that

can combat radioactivity effectively. It isnot surgery, radiation or

chemotherapy. It is not even a recent discovery, but a very

oldremedy that is not well-celebrated in modern society. 2011 –

All Rights Reserved. Page 5
Page 7
Chapter 2 The Solution When people get sick, they trust the

medical establishment to restore theirhealth. However, the present

system of prescription medication and surgery has notalways been

effective. Thousands of people die every year from the side effects

ofimproperly prescribed medications and failed medical treatments.

Emergency roomerrors have led to serious complications from

medication overdoses, wrong diagnostictesting, and infections due

to unsanitary conditions. The possibility of these and otherkinds of

injuries has led many to look for alternative methods to cure their

illnesses. There is natural, alternative medicine that is freely

available. This panacea hasbeen empirically proven to be

tremendously effective in dealing with all kinds ofdiseases however

it is not glorified by the media or the medical community. Since

thebeginning of time, nature has provided a safe, painless solution

to every seeminglyincurable disease. It may not be what most

people imagine and an initial skepticism,distaste and even shock are

among the first responses. In fact, no matter how strongthe

disbelief, most are astounded what they dont know about the

history, effectivenessand ingredients of this almost completely

unrecognized natural medicine. So what isthis extraordinary

mystery medicine that has been around since ancient times and

yetremains hidden behind a cloak of secrecy? It is none other than

human urine.Urine is made in and by our kidneys in a system so

complex that researchers stillcant figure it out. The principal

function of the kidney is not excretion, but regulation. Adiagram of

the urinary system shows clearly that it is not connected to the

intestines orthe stomach. When the blood enters the kidneys it is

filtered hundreds of times a daythrough an immensely complex and

intricate system of minute tubules called nephrons.Here the blood

is literally filtered and cleansed at high pressure. In one way or

theother, when the body is sick, it stimulates the kidneys to make

the curative remedy. Thisantidote could be an antibody if there is

an internal infection or an antiseptic if there isan external wound.

When this urine is re-introduced to the body, the bodys

immunesystem is greatly enhanced. It contains the precise

combination of substances that thebody needs at the time it is

produced. It contains thousands of compounds that arespecific to

the body and are tailored to keep the body from getting out of

balance.Scientists have discovered that the urine, because it is

actually extracted from ourblood, contains small amounts of almost

all of the life-sustaining nutrients, proteins,hormones, antibodies

and immunizing agents that the blood has. 2011 – All Rights

Reserved. Page 6
Page 8
How could urine be healthy, let alone help cure illnesses? Modern

research andclinical studies have proven that the thousands of

critical body chemicals and nutrientsthat end up in urine reflect the

body functions. When re-utilized, they act as naturalvaccines,

antibacterial, antiviral, anti-cancer agents, hormone balancers and

evenallergy relievers. Since it so easily accessible, it gives a whole

new meaning to the termfree health care. In fact, there is no need

to visit a doctor for a diagnosis or a store tobuy any products. To its

adherents, it has become the ultimate survival tool. Not only does it

cleanse the body but it revitalizes the spirit. It is a liquid of

vitalelements to support, strengthen and regenerate life. To many,

this is totallyincomprehensible because it is so unorthodox. But to

others, who have tried everythingand have nothing to lose, it has

been the best kept medical secret. Most people areastonished when

they learn about it and are even more incredulous they

hadntpreviously heard about it. Many are afraid to try urine

therapy because it is notrecommended by their physicians. Many

doctors and medical practitioners say theyhave not heard of it and

if they have, they say that it has not been proven effective. Butthe

truth is that urine therapy is far safer and effective than

prescription drugs and it hasno side effects. Urine is the most

complex of all body fluids because it can control and regulateevery

function in the body. Modern research and clinical studies have

proven thatthousands of critical body chemicals and nutrients end

up in our urine. Subsequently,when urine is used medicinally, the

correct concentration antibody is produced torespond to that

individuals health threat.Most medical professionals agree that

degenerative diseases like cancer, heartdisease and arthritis set in

due to the accumulation of toxins in the body. Variousmethods are

suggested for removing those toxins but there is no greater

harmlessdetoxifying agent in the world than urine. It not only

purifies the system but regeneratesand builds up old worn out and

even dead tissues. The minerals and enzymes that arepassed out in

the urine can be easily assimilated to help in the process of

tissuebuilding and to fight disease.Despite the many incredible

discoveries medical science has made during thetwentieth century,

millions are still suffering or even crippled by illnesses today.

Themedical profession has dominated society to such an extent that

urine therapy is almostunknown. Natural urine therapy has fallen

into obscurity or totally forgotten. Not onlyhas the medical

community conditioned us to believe that drugs and surgery are all

thatis needed to restore lost health, but they have ignored the

research on the efficacy ofurine therapy. The extensive medical

research on this natural medicine has not been 2011 – All Rights

Reserved. Page 7
Page 9
disseminated to the general public. Yet every year, thousands of

operations performedand millions of prescription drugs dispensed

are proof that the modern physician cannotcure disease but can

only control it at best. Billions of dollars are spent yearly onresearch

to find remedies yet the number of patients suffering from cancer,

diabetesand heart disease continues to increase significantly.

Meanwhile researchers sat intheir laboratories and watched as

simple urea from urine completely destroyed rabies,polio viruses,

tuberculosis, typhoid, gonorrhea, dysentery bacteria and cancer

cells.They watched as it saved the lives of cancer patients, cured

and relieved asthma,eczema, whooping cough, diabetes, arthritis

and a host of other illnesses. The generalpublic was never told

about such discoveries yet modern health epidemics grew. Was

itwas because urine therapy, unlike surgery and drugs, cannot be

patented and sold forhuge profits?Believing there is a natural

medicine that is free and can heal most ailmentssounds totally

ludicrous. Particularly if you add the fact that it has been around

forthousands of years and works both externally and internally.

Until its curative powershave been experienced personally, utilizing

urine to combat sicknesses may soundimpossible. It might not

seem popular yet there are literally millions of people all overthe

world that are healthy as a result of drinking their urine daily. More

remarkably,there are thousands of testimonies of patients who

were seriously ill but who weremiraculously healed. 2011 – All

Rights Reserved. Page 8
Page 10
CHAPTER 3 Testimonies and Case Histories Although there has

not been definitive research done on the significance of urineas a

cure, there are numerous testimonies that cannot be denied.

Probably the mostnotable testimony was the former Prime

Minister of India, Morarji Desai. In 1978, hewas interviewed by

Dan Rather on 60 minutes and he stated that urine therapy was

theperfect medical solution for millions of Indians who cannot afford

medical treatment. Helived to be almost 100 and testified to the

healing properties of urine to anyone whowould listen. He even

wrote a book entitled, The Miracles of Urine Therapy.British

actress, Sarah Miles has drunk her own urine for over thirty

years,claiming that it immunizes against allergies. Major League

Baseball player Moises Alouurinated on his hands to alleviate

calluses, which he claims, allows him to bat withoutusing batting

gloves. Singer actress Madonna explained to talk show host

DavidLetterman that she urinates on her feet to help cure her

athletes foot. Alternative healthguru Gary Null in New York City

has devoted several segments of his popular radioprogram extolling

the benefits of the urine cure. Occasionally, it is mentioned

orexamined in magazines, newspapers, TV and in movies. Many

websites reviewdifferent aspects of urine therapy together with

personal experiences on YouTube. Still,the majority are

unacquainted with its value. In the early part of the 20th century,

John Armstrong was the first to do pioneeringresearch in this field.

Armstrong fasted on his own urine and water for forty-five days

toheal himself of tuberculosis. He also used urine therapy to cure

his diseased foot. Hesuffered a grave laceration to his toes, ankle

and foot. The toenails were torn off andthe toes forced back into the

fleshy part of the foot. He applied saturated old urine tothe affected

parts. The bandages were kept moist by repeated soakings: but

were notremoved until the fifth day. When finally removed the

results were astonishing; all traceof the injury had disappeared and

the foot was healthy and supple as it had ever been.For years he

supervised many people on urine fasts, including terminal

patientsthought to be incurable. According to Armstrong, any

disease could be treated withurine therapy including venereal

diseases, cancer, leukemia, malaria, dropsy andgangrene. What was

amazing is that he treated everyone without diagnosis.

Histreatments for his patients are detailed in his book, The Water

of Life. 2011 – All Rights Reserved. Page 9
Page 11
Martha Christie, who wrote Your Own Perfect Medicine, stated

that urinetherapy helped her overcome several complications,

including menstrual problems,pelvic inflammation, ulcerative

colitis, Chrons disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome,thyroid

disorders and mononucleosis. In her book, she cites more than 50

research andclinical studies that detail urines healing properties.

Many of these are aged reports bydoctors and medical scientists

giving patients injections of their own urine. These casestudies

feature amazing results overcoming candida, colitis, cancer,

diabetes,depression and a host of other health problems. Also

included is a report how safe andeffective urine was in treating

external wounds during wartime. Her book is consideredone of the

most authoritative on the subject of urine therapy. There are

countless experiences of people have had their health restored

byurine therapy. Here are some examples how people have

benefited: I had been suffering from migraines for twenty years.

Because I alsosuffered from rheumatoid arthritis, I was often

taking painkillers. Then Istarted drinking my urine. A few months

later, my arthritis hasdisappeared and so did my headaches. I

am a PWA (person with AIDS) and have been doing urine therapy

fortwo and half months. My lymphadenopathy was gone within 48

hoursafter starting urine. I had a severe acne problem on my back.

After fiveweeks the skin was clear. My energy level increased

enormously within afew days of drinking my urine. I am a

paramedic worker at Bethany Colony where people with leprosy

are treated. We achieved good results with this treatment. I have

treatedmany cases and the treatment has never failed. The

problem is that thepatient is often unwilling to drink his or her own

water. Therefore we mix itwith some juice and serve it for

breakfast. I can honestly say it is the besttreatment for leprosy

ulcers, asthma and several skin disorders. I amextremely grateful

for this therapy and plan to start a small clinic for urinetherapy.

A case may now be cited regarding a young woman who had

developed a growth in her breast. She was put on a diet of her own

urine plus tapwater and used urine compresses. In a short time,

four days, the growthhad entirely disappeared. 2011 – All Rights

Reserved. Page 10
Page 12
After a number of weeks in which I ritually drank my own

morning urine, I noticed that changes were slowly beginning to take

place in my body.Now after using urine for fourteen years I can

confirm that I am 99% lesssusceptible to all kinds of epidemics, flus,

infections and other miseries Iused to be very susceptible to. You

do not have to be sick to start urinetherapy. It increases your

resistance to disease. Even if you are healthy,it can prevent you

from coming into disease. In the last five years I have gone

through three serious operations. I had many difficult illnesses

including arthritis, rheumatism, glaucoma, highblood pressure, a

blood clot that caused my leg to turn black from theknee down due

to no blood circulation, pancreatic problems that caused aswollen

tongue and an inability to take food properly. After drinking myown

water for seven months all the toxins in my body disappeared.

Ivisited the doctor for a check-up; he was shocked and surprised

saying Iwas completely normal. It is a wonderful medicine. Tons of

antibiotics arenot as effective as this medicine. People are spending

billions of dollars toget costly medical care, but you have the cure

right inside your body.Theres an old saying, if the medicine is not

bitter, it doesnt work. Onceyou know this information you wont

need any pills, vitamins or hormoneshots. It is a gift from God. A

young man, twenty eight, was given three days to live. His

condition was variously diagnosed as either cancer of the gullet or

venereal disease.Through urine therapy the patient was completely

cured. M.Q. contacted malaria and had it for three years. During

the year before the treatment, he had suffered from thirty six

attacks. He used to dosehimself regularly with quinine. He finally

cured himself completely with aurine fast lasting ten days. In

Egypt, rescue workers found a 37 year old man alive in earthquake

rubble. He survived almost 82 hours by drinking his own urine. His

wife,daughter and mother would not and they died. During the

nine day war in Jordan, the Red Crescent, the Islamic equivalent of

the Red Cross, advised people against drinking pollutedwater by

radio broadcasts saying: your children are expiring of thirst;

wecannot help you except by telling you that you may be able to

save theirlives by letting them drink their own urine. 2011 – All

Rights Reserved. Page 11
Page 13
This kind of awareness of the benefits of urine therapy can come in

very handy in caseof an emergency. Travelers in deserts and on the

seas were accustomed to the use ofurine. Whether it is from bad

weather, being lost, trapped, shipwrecked, or just beingunable to

get help when needed, it has saved more than a few individuals

survivedifficult times. There are many more testimonies in the

books and websites in the referencesection. Websites like, The

Water of Life Foundation ( andShirleys

Wellness Caf


have stories that are very inspiring. Additionally there are online

communities ( where you can

learn from others. Through the internetmore and more people

around the world are learning about this new, free medicine

fortheir illnesses. 2011 – All Rights Reserved. Page 12
Page 14
Chapter 4 History of Urine Therapy Urine therapy has been

around for a very long time. The medicinal use ofurine dates back

to the earliest civilizations. It is often referred to as the worlds

oldestmedicine. It has been known by every generation but has

somehow fallen intoobscurity. Yet the use of urine, as a medicine, in

one form or another can still be foundin the medical traditions of

tribes which are still in close contact with nature. In India,the yogis

and the great spiritual masters are well aware of the miracles of

this sacredfluid. So much so that it has an extremely lengthy and

involved history in India datingback over 5,000 years. Human

urine has been considered a healing agent in many Asian cultures

forcenturies. It has played an important role in the holistic medical

traditions of societiesall over the world. It is an age-old tradition

especially in sickness although many ingood health practice it for

preventive health maintenance. Ironically, it has been kept asecret

by medicine men so they alone could have access to this fountain

of youth.The Water of Life Foundation in India and the Chinese

Association of UrineTherapy have been promoting urine therapy

for many years. It is still playing animportant role in some medical

treatments in Germany, Japan, and has been gainingpopularity in

the United States. In Germany, urine treatments have been used

sincemedieval times against all kinds of diseases. In Japan, urine

therapy has been knownfor seven hundred years and is commonly

prescribed even today against asthma,diabetes, hypertension and

on an experimental basis against AIDS and cancer. Urine therapy

also has historical roots in ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, the

Aztecempire and since the Middle Ages in Europe. The history of

drinking urine fortherapeutic purposes dates back to the Holy

Roman Empire when great urinal trothswere erected in public

squares of each city-state for residents to both contribute to,

andbenefit from. For hundreds of years, many European cultures

including Russia haveused urine to treat a wide variety of health

problems. The ancient Indian text ofShivambu Kalpa Vidhi calls it

the divine nectar that is capable of abolishing varioustypes of

diseases and ailments. In the Old Testament of the Bible, there is a

symbolicreference, Drink water from they own cistern (Proverbs

5). For centuries, EuropeanGypsies have known about the curative

powers of urine. It has been reported that theLamas of Tibet reach

extended ages by drinking their own urine. For over 500 yearsago,

Native Indians in the Western Hemisphere had knowledge of this

therapy. So 2011 – All Rights Reserved. Page 13
Page 15
much so that natives of Mexico, Argentina, Peru, and Chile continue

to consume it forillnesses and utilize it as an antiseptic to treat

wounds.The first soap was perhaps, urine. In England, France and

probably elsewhere,the custom of washing ones hands in urine for

its softening and beautifying properties,still exists among the ladies.

Urine has also been used as a tooth-wash, a clothes washand in the

preparation of cosmetics, creams and even prescription drugs.The

number of uses are impressive and so are the number of its

followers.According to Xinhua news agency more than three million

Chinese drink urine to stayhealthy. From India, in the state of

Gujarat, there are nearly 300,000 users of urinetherapy and in the

city of Bombay nearly 30,000 plus are active users. Germany,

Koreaand Japan have a sizeable number of citizens engaging in

urine therapy. It is alsogrowing in the West.In 2009, the 5th World

Congress on Urotherapy was held in Guadalajara, Mexicowhere

advocates from around the world gathered to share their

experiences. The nextWorld Congress is scheduled for Sydney,

Australia in 2013. Meanwhile, other websites,like, are emerging to inform and educate

the public. It isonly a matter of time until it emerges as a natural

home remedy for people who want afast, efficient, inexpensive way

to take care of their health. 2011 – All Rights Reserved. Page 14
Page 16
Chapter 5 Getting Started The thought of drinking their urine may

offend the sensibilities of someWesterners. This initial revulsion is

usually based on concepts that are based onignorance or fears. The

age old concept prevailing in our society is that urine ispoisonous or

dirty excreta of the body. But this fallacy is proven wrong by

scientists onthe basis of successful research and experiments done

with human urine. The seconddifficulty comes on account of foul

smell and disagreeable taste. This can be overcomeby eating simple

foods or by just mixing it with water. Moreover, once the pain of

ourphysical problems becomes stronger than our concepts or fears,

acceptance to urinetherapy happens naturally. In other words,

most people will try it as a last resort toovercome their pain and

sickness.There are some simple ways to overcome the feelings of

aversion to drinkingyour own water. Start with a few drops, have

it on the rocks with your favorite juice orjust chase it down with

water. Start by taking a small amount then increase

gradually.Some make a homeopathic preparation which contains no

taste or color from just a fewdrops. Many take it once in the

morning, some more frequently, again depending ontheir own

liking. The most common recommended dosage is 2 to 4oz. of fresh

urineonce daily in the morning as a tonic for keeping healthy and as

prevention againstillnesses. Those who drink it regularly say the

taste is mild and not unpleasant at all a bitsalty, like broth or sea

water. The taste depends on your constitution and your dailydiet.

Everything you eat and drink has an effect on your urine. The

better your dietaryhabits are, the better it will taste. If you are on a

vegetarian diet, there will be almost nounpleasant aftertaste. If you

eat spicy or fast food, then you will notice that it has astronger or

somewhat bitter taste. Drinking your own urine makes you think

seriouslyabout what you eat. A change in dietary habits plays an

important role in the healingprocess. The taste is more enjoyable

with fruits and vegetables and less with sweet,starchy or spicy food.

Whenever a leap of faith is taken, be prepared as the healing

process may begin.Depending on the toxicity of the ailment, the

body will begin to purify itself. In thedetoxification period,

poisonous substances that have been stored in the body for

yearsare released. The body might start to fight certain viruses by

increasing thetemperature and causing a fever. By stimulating the

bodys natural powers, real healing 2011 – All Rights Reserved. Page 15
Page 17
takes place. Urine contains antibodies and immune stimulating

factors against allviruses, harmful bacteria and fungi. Urine is

especially effective against allergies andother disorders of the

immune system. The self-inoculation of urine is similar to when aflu

shot introduces a virus into the body to make antibodies for it.

During the healing crisis, symptoms such as a rash, sweating, fever,

diarrhea,vomiting, headache or coughing may arise. Afterwards,

the majority feel much better injust a few hours to a few days. The

technique and process can always be adjusted topersonal

preference. Urine therapy consists of two parts: internal application

(e.g. drinking urine) andexternal application (e.g. massaging with

urine). Both aspects are important andcomplement each other. The

easiest way to start is by using it externally. Urine therapyhas

miraculous healing abilities in the treatment of painful and disabling

wounds, cuts,sores, bites, stings, blisters and rashes especially the

ones which refuse to heal. Forskin problems such as gangrene,

psoriasis, eczema and dermatitis, a urine pack workswell and can

even prevent scar tissue. A urine compress should be moistened

regularlyand renewed several times daily. Urine therapy offers

complete recovery for seriousburns instead of unsightly scars,

tightly puckered skin and stiffened limbs. Armstronginsisted that

cures were faster and more effective in those who massaged

themselveswith urine. 2011 – All Rights Reserved. Page 16
Page 18
Chapter 6 Conclusion The practice of using ones own urine as a

medicine and immune system boosteris undoubtedly the most

ancient remedy on the planet. Today this knowledge is

freelyavailable on the internet. Urine is medicinal, cleansing, and

nourishing. Urine is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral. It is

the perfect medicine for the restoration ofhealth and the

destruction of maladies. Not only is it a panacea for any and

everydisease, it is free and easily available. It can prevent

infections while at the same timegive an aged person the vitality

and vigor of youth. Some of the chronic diseases that itis effective

against include cancer, heart disease, kidney failure, asthma,

anemia,urinary diseases, colds, candida, diabetes, digestive

problems, allergies and jaundice. Other problems such as injuries,

warts, psoriasis, lumps and bites are often cured in afew days of

treatment. The list of diseases for which it is effective is long

enough toconsider it a miracle remedy.Modern medicine doesnt

emphasize the importance of knowing simple homeremedies. Most

consumers feel that the knowledge of the body is best left in the

handsof doctors who, know so much more than we do. However,

their results are not alwaysdependable. Government studies now

raise serious questions about the qualificationsof physicians, their

misdiagnoses, unnecessary or incompetent surgery, errors

inmedication and high hospital infection rates. Most hospitals have

to rely on strongmedical intervention to relieve symptoms from the

medical errors that occur on a dailybasis. On average 1 in 7 patients

suffer harm from hospital care.As a result, more people are turning

away from conventional medicine. Urinetherapy could be the

medicine of the future for billions of people without health care.The

medical establishment should adjust their system so that

alternative medicines, likeurine therapy, can be integrated

seamlessly. This simple adjustment alone couldtremendously

reduce health care costs. The extra advantages of no diagnosis, no

sideeffects and no costs make it more than an alternative. Urine

therapy offers eachindividual the power to deal with any health

crises efficiently, effectively andeconomically. 2011 – All Rights

Reserved. Page 17
Page 19
Chapter 7 Urine Therapy is Effective in Treating: External:

Sunburn Cuts, scrapes, wounds Burns, rashes, sores Athletes

foot Eczema Gangrene Infections Insect bites Warts Varicose

veins Pimples, acne Baldness Snake bites Internal: Cancer

Diabetes High Blood Pressure Hormonal imbalances Allergies

Colds, coughs, fever, flu symptoms Conjunctivitis Asthma

Herpes, venereal diseases Jaundice, hepatitis Mononucleosis

Prostrate disorders Rheumatism Sexual impotency Meningitis

Hepatitis Tuberculosis Parkinsons disease 2011 – All Rights

Reserved. Page 18
Page 20
Chapter 8Substances Found in Urine The urinary systemMany

people have the mistaken belief that urine is waste. Waste products

areeliminated through the skin, lungs and digestive system. As seen

from the diagramabove, urine is created directly from the kidneys.

The function of the kidneys is tobalance and filter the blood. It is

not a byproduct of intestinal work. It is a sterile,antiseptic fluid

containing thousands of elements. In fact, it contains many

life-sustaining elements like vitamins, minerals, proteins, enzymes,

hormones, antibodies,amino acids and the ions of hundreds of

compounds. Most people are generally unaware of the amazing

elements found in urine:Agglutinins and precipitins have a

neutralizing effect on polio and other virusesAntineoplaston

prevents selectively the growth of cancer cells without harming

thegrowth of healthy cells. 2011 – All Rights Reserved. Page 19
Page 21
Allontoin a nitrogenous crystal substance which helps heal

wounds. It is an oxidationproduct of uric acid. This substance can

be found in many skin cream products.DHEA This substance

prevents obesity, prolongs the lifespan of animals, and offers

apossible treatment for anemia, diabetes, and breast cancer in

women. DHEA stimulatesthe growth of bone marrow and increases

the production of substances manufacturedby bone marrow such as

red blood cells, monocytes, macrophages and lymphocytes.Gastric

secretory depressants – combat the growth of stomach

ulcers.Glucuronic acid – is created in the kidneys, liver and

intestinal canal and has animportant secretion function.H-11

inhibits the growth of cancer cells and reduces already existing

tumors, withoutdisturbing the recovery process.HUD (Humans

Urine Derivative) – urine derivative shown to have remarkable

anti-cancer properties.Interleukin 1 this substance has a

positive influence on helper cells and inhibitingsubstances. It can

signal the hypothalamus to produce a fever.3-methyl-glyoxal

destroys cancer cellsProstaglandin in a hormonal substance which

dilates the blood vessels and lowersblood pressure, relaxes the

bronchial muscles, stimulates labor contractions, and anumber of

other functions relating to metabolism.Protein globulins – contains

antibodies against specific allergens; identical to proteinsin

immunoglobulins of serum (blood)Proteses immunologically

active products of allergic reactionsRetine – anti-cancer element

extracted from urineUric acid helps keep free radical

scavengers (molecules which can cause cancer)under control,

combats old age and even has a tuberculostatic effect 2011 – All

Rights Reserved. Page 20
Page 22
Inorganic substances in urine:Bicarbonate, chloride, phosphor,

sulphur, bromide, fluoride, iodide, rhodanide, kalium,natrium,

calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, zinc, cobalt, selenium, arsenium,

lead,mercuryNitrogen-containing substances in urine:Nitrogen,

urea, creatine, creatinine, guanidine, choline, carnitine, piperidine,

spermi-dine, spermine, dopamine, adrenaline, nor-adrenaline,

serotonin, tryptamine, amino-levulinic acid, porphyrin, bilirubin,

and others.Amino acids in urine:Alanine, carnosine, glycine,

histidine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, serine,tyrosine,

valine, hydroxyproline, galactosylhydroxylysine, xylo-sylserine,

and others.Proteins in urine:Albumin, haptoglobin, transferring,

IgG, IgA, IgM, and othersEnzymes in urine:Lactatdehydrogenase,

gamma-glutamyItransferase, alpha-amylase,

uropepsinogen,lysozyme, beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase,

urokinanse, protease, and others.Carbohydrates in

urine:Arabibose, xylose, ribose, fucose, rhamnose, ketopentose,

glucose, galactose,mannose, fructose, lactose, saccharose,

fucosylglucose, raffinose and others.Vitamins in urine:Thiamine

(B1) riboflavin (B2), vitamin B-6, 4-pyridoxic acid, vitamin b-12,

biopterine,ascorbic acid, zinc, magnesium, potassium, folic acid, and

others.Hormones in urine:Gonadotropin, coricotropin, prolactin,

lactogenic hormones, oxytocin, vasopressin,thyroxine,

cathecholamin (adrenaline, noradrenaline, dopamine), insulin,

erythropoietin,corticosteroids (aldosterone, corticosterone,

cortisone), testosterone, progesterone,oestrogen, and others.

2011 – All Rights Reserved.

Page 21
Page 23
Bibliography on Urine Therapy The Miracles of Urine Therapyby

Dr. Beatrice Bartnett and Margie Adelman, U.S.A., 1987The Water

of LifeBy J.W. Armstrong, a Treatise on Urine Therapy. Health

Science Press, 1974Urine Therapyby Flora Peschek-Bohmer, Ph.D.,

& Gisela Schreiber, Healing Arts Press, Vermont, 1997The Golden

Fountain – The Complete Guide to Urine TherapyBy Coen van der

Kroon, Wishland Publishing, Arizona, 1993Your Own Perfect

MedicineBy Martha Christy, Wishland Publishing, Arizona,

1994Uropathy, The Most Powerful Holistic MedicineBy Martin

Lara, The Uropathy Press, New York, 1999Urine, the Holy

WaterBy Harald W. Tietze, B.Jain Publishers, New Delhi, India,

1996Wonders of Uropathy Urine therapy as a Universal CureBy

Dr. G.K. Thakkar, B.Jain Pubishers, New Delhi, India, 1996Miracles

of Urine TherapyBy Dr. S.K. Sharma, Diamond Books, New Delhi,

India, 2005Miracles of Urine TherapyBy Morarji Desai, Pankaj

Publications, New Delhi, IndiaAuto-Urine TherapyBy Nauneet

Publications Limited, Gujarat, IndiaManav Mootra (Auto-Urine

Therapy)By Raojibhai Patel, Gujarat, India, 1997Urine TherapyBy

Dr. John F. OQuinn, Life Science Institute, Pomeroy,

Washington2006 2011 – All Rights Reserved. Page 22
Page 24
Internet Resources on Urine Therapy










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Page 25
References on Radioactive Fallout Exposure of the American

Population to Radioactive Fallout from Nuclear Weapons Test,

2002National Academies Press, Washington D.C.Fallout, An

American Nuclear Tragedy, Philip L. Fradkin. 2004, Johnson

Printing Co. ColoradoDeadly Deceit, Low Level Radiation,

High-level Cover Up, Dr. Jay M. Gould 1990, Four Walls,Eight

Windows Publishing, New YorkSecret Fallout, Ernest Sternglass,

1981 McGraw-Hill publishing, New YorkPopulation Control through

Nuclear Pollution, Arthur R. Tamplin & John W. Gofman,

1970,Nelson-Hall Co. Publishers. Chicago, Ill.No More War!, Linus

Pauling 1983 Dodd, Mead & Company. New YorkNuclear Radiation

in Warfare, Joseph Rotblat, 1982, Oelgeschlager Gunn & Hain






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