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Best Drinking Water

What is distilled water?

Distilled water is steam-distilled water. Distilled water is water which has been heated to the boiling point so that impurities are separated from the water, which itself becomes vapor or steam. Steam is then condensed back into pure liquid form. The impurities remain as residue in the steam kettle (to be periodically removed). This distillation system removes waterborne biological contaminants such as bacteria, parasites and viruses, organic and inorganic chemicals, heavy metals, volatile gasses, cysts, and other contaminants. Pure water contains no solids, minerals, or trace elements. It is clean, natural, and healthy. Steam distilled water is the standard by which all other waters are measured.

Why is distilled water healthier for you?

Distilled is more pure. Pollutants and contaminants are removed more effectively than can be accomplished with any other water purification process, including any other filtering or reverse osmosis system.

Does distilled water taste flat or funny?

No. People who make this claim have normally only tried room temperature distilled water that may have been sitting on a shelf in a plastic jug for months. Distilled water is actually tasteless. This lack of flavor may take a short while to get used to, but once you get accustomed to drinking distilled water, chlorinated tap water will seem offensive. Tap water has additives, and it is the additives that you taste. Since distilled water adds no foreign substances to your foods, the original tastes and flavors of the foods are retained. Distillers supply fresh, clean, great tasting water made right in your home, affordably, and for your convenience.
Why are distillation systems better than a reverse osmosis?
Reverse osmosis cannot eliminate the pollutants and contaminants that are removed through distillation. Contrary to popular conceptions, reverse osmosis does NOT completely remove all viruses and bacteria.

Are there Drugs in tap water?

CNN’s Elizabeth Cohen talks about a study that found traces of medications in several municipal water supplies.

Why Is Distilled Water Best??

Distillation eliminates ALL contaminants- bacteria, viruses, lead, radon, chlorine and hundreds of other pollutants.
First, water is heated to boiling, killing bacteria and converting it to steam. Contaminants and impurities are left behind. As the steam cools, it condenses into pure and delicious drinking water. Note: Boiling alone will kill bacteria, but will not remove heavy metals and other toxins.
Bottled water is less regulated than tap water, even though over 2100 organic and inorganic drinking water contaminants have been found in U.S. drinking water supplies since 1974. In fact, a great deal of bottled water is just tap water that has been run through carbon filters. While most bottled water is free of chlorine, high amounts of bacteria are frequently detected. The bottom line is that you can’t be sure of what you’re getting in bottled or tap water. More testing is not the answer. A countertop distiller is the right appliance for your home and office now.

Are there any minerals missing from distilled water that my body needs?

The best source of minerals is in the foods we eat. 95% of the minerals our bodies absorb, come from the foods we eat, not the water we drink. Multi-mineral supplements, available at any vitamin store, are also a far better source of beneficial minerals than water. It’s not worth polluting our bodies with all the other harmful ingredients to get a minimal amount of minerals found in water.

Do we need the fluoride that is put into the municipal water supplies to prevent cavities?

There is plenty of fluoride in the toothpaste we use to keep away cavities. And there is much controversy about the harmful effects of fluoride in our diets.

Does distilled water leach minerals from my body?

Distilled water is the purest form of water, the universal solvent. Pure water actually absorbs discarded minerals and with the assistance of the blood and lymph (mostly water), transports them to the kidneys for elimination. It is this kind of mineral elimination that is incorrectly referred to as ‘leaching’. The expression that distilled water leaches minerals from the body is inaccurate. Distilled water does not leach out body minerals it collects and removes minerals which have been rejected by the cells and tissues, which if not evacuated, can cause arterial obstruction and serious bodily damage.

Do some contaminants carry over with the steam in the distillation process?

Some contaminants that have boiling points lower than that of water could carry over, which is why these distillers are equipped with a safety feature: a volatile gas vent, a design feature which removes most of these contaminants. For even further protection, each distiller is also equipped with a carbon post-filter to provide you with the highest quality distilled water with a 99% or higher removal rate of contaminants.

Does the unit take the salt out of softened water?

Yes. Anyone with a home water softener should also use a water distillation unit for all their drinking water in order to eliminate the sodium, (salt), that is present in softened water.

Are chlorine and other gases removed from the distilled water?

In addition to the solid pollutants that are removed during the process, there is an exhaust vent incorporated into the unit to help eliminate chlorine and other gases that may be formed and rise with the steam. Chlorine and other waste gases are expelled from the exhaust outlet in the upper part of the unit.

Does the process eliminate 100% of every contaminate contained in the water?

Although water made with our distillers is more than 99.9% pure, and the purest water possible that can be made from any other home water purification system, it is virtually impossible to remove minuscule amounts of certain substances. Scientifically speaking, no one can guarantee that absolutely 100% of every non H2O molecule contained in water will be removed.
However we can say that water made with this process will be the cleanest and purest water that is possible to obtain from any other home water purification system, and far cleaner than bottled drinking water from any source.

Besides drinking, what are some other uses for distilled water?

Besides drinking, distilled water is great for hundreds of uses, including:
Cooking: Chlorine-free soups & vegtables – taste the improvement – pots and pans are easier to clean.
Baby Formulas: Boiling tap water kills bacteria, but doesn’t remove contaminants. Distilled water, virtually free of contaminants.
Beverages: Savor true flavors of coffee, tea, and juices. The taste is incomparable, and you’ll also use less.
Low Sodium Diets: 99.9% of sodium removed in the distillation process.
Ice Cubes: Won’t spoil the taste of beverages. Makes cleaner, harder ice cubes.
Pets: They’ll love you for giving them clean water.
Complexion Care: Tap water impurities can clog skin pores – feel the difference with distilled water.
Plants: Plants and cut flowers live longer and look healthier because, just like nature’s rainwater, distilled water is free of mineral salts.
Aquariums: Fish thrive in a chlorine-free tank. Distilled water is clean and clear.
Contact Lenses: Distilled water won’t irritate eyes.
Humidifiers: Eliminates white dust, mineral salt, and rust concerns. Adds more life and efficiency.
Steam Irons: Eliminate scaling of steam iron vents. Irons will operate more efficiently and last longer.
Kettles: Eliminate mineral salt scaling. Inside of kettles will look like new.
Photography: Perfect development.
Wet-Cell Batteries: Batteries last long with Distilled Water.

One Vital Element Can
Bring You Vibrant Good health..
Or Rob You of It


Dr. Allen E. Baniks insatiable quest for knowledge, and
intense desire to trace all chronic and fatal diseases to a
common cause, somehow caught the attention of Art
Linkletter, who wanted some health scientist to visit the
long-lived people of Hunza, and probably bring back the
secret of their amazing spans of life. Dr. Banik startled
the world with his report to the nation.
As Mr Linkletter stated in the book, Hunza Land , (by
Dr. Banik), We could easily have asked for someone at
random in our studio audience-but for an examination of
the strange people in the far away Himalayas, we needed
a man with a scientific background and a deep interest in
the study of geriatrics.
Dr. Banik proved to be that man, an optometrist living
in Kearney, Nebraska, whose name came up repeatedly
in our quest for a hobbyist who pursued the provocative
study of old age.
We flew a People Are Funny scout to his home town to
interview him to make sure he was the right man for this
kind of stunt. The report came back, great. Dr. Banik
was the ideal guest: enthusiastic, cooperative, curious,
happy and an intelligent observer.
He and Hunza made one of the most successful episodes
in our shows history. My only regret was that time-onthe-
air did not permit the full story of this eventful trip to
be told. Happily, his book, Hunza Land , fills in the fascinating
details and unfolds the complete story of one of
the most unusual postage-stamp countries in the world.
In his book, The Choice Is Clear, Dr. Banik continues his
findings in Hunza Land , only now to shock the world, with
the one finding he nearly missed one of the real secrets of
l o n g e v i t y.
The amazing discovery I am about to unfold to you had
Its beginning some 40 years ago. Just why I did not receive
The impact then, I will never know. A few short months ago
The truth finally revealed itself to me. At first I found it difficult
to comprehend, but little by little the facts began to
blend, until I saw it all in its entirety, and THE CHOICE
Only One Possible Cause For All Aging Diseases?
Imagine one common possible cause for nearly all
diseases! Can it be that arthritis, kidney stones, gall stones,
arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), enlarged hearts,
emphysema, obesity, constipation, cataracts, glaucoma, diabetes,
all stem from one common cause? Unbelievable ?
But possibly very true!
Can This Be True?
We all use it every day from the babys first cry to the
old mans last breathWATER! The one element you need
the most and suspect the least. If this shocks you, do not be
surprised, as millions of Americans are still unaware of this
aging process, and indulge in it freely. Multitudes suffer
from all the above diseases and unknowingly contribute to
this cause daily. Somehow the shots, pills, vitamin capsules
and balanced diets, add only brief spurts to well being.
The arthritis can get a little worse, the arteries a little
harder, the gall stones and kidney stones a little larger, the
eyes a little dimmer, the hearing more complex, sugar starts
to appear in the urine, digestion slows down, constipation
calls for stronger laxatives and waist lines get a little larger.
Its a never ending cycle of feeling just a little worse
than the day before.
There is Hope Ahead
Let me cheer you up there is good news in store for
you happy years are now ahead of you far into your
nineties even more. Your stiff joints may begin to loosen,
arteries become more elastic, blood pressure more normal,
heart action firmer and more powerful. Your lungs can
expand with fresh air kidney and gall stones can gradually
dissolve, never to appear again. That lost appetite can
also reappear, and those aggravating stomach pains somehow
Dr. Brown Landone And Captain Diamond
Proved It
Let me quote a few authenticated case histories-just to
prove what has already taken place in the lives of two famous
individuals. One was an associate named Dr. Brown Landone,
who lived to the splendid age of 98 years. His patient, a Captain
Diamond, lived vigorously to the fantastic age of 120
Dr. Landone had a heart condition at the age of 17 years.
Today it would have meant a heart transplant or other dangerous
surgery. His doctor allotted him three months to live, at
the most. His heart chambers and valves were coated with
mineral deposits much like his mothers teakettle. Dr.
Landone was determined to live. After devising a special
treatment (I will go into details later), he returned for his
second heart examination two years later. His doctor pronounced
his heart perfect. All aglow with life, young Landone
enrolled in a medical college and received the degree
of Doctor of Neurology. He practiced this profession for 50
years, then turned his talents to writing. His average workday
was from 18 to 20 hours. At the age of 98, he could
have been mistaken for a aman of 50!
The Amazing Age of Captain Diamond
During Dr. Landones years in practice, he met Captain
Diamond, who was bed-ridden with arthritis and hardening
of his arteries at the age of 70.
Dr. Landone suggested his treatment. Five years later he
was teaching classes in physical culture. At the age of 103
he walked from Sacramento to New York. At the age of 110
he danced all night with a 16 year old. He died at the fantastic
age of 120!
The Secret of Longevity
Water is what I will be writing about , from the very
first page to the last word. I will attempt to show facts about
water that will startle you. And from now on , until the day
you draw your last breath, you will remember what I have
written on these pages.
All Water Is Not The Same
There are at least nine different kinds of water. Some
kinds can harden your arteries, form gall stones and kidney
stones, bring on early senility, and all the diseases I mentioned
earlier. Other kinds of water works in reverse. What
one type of water carries into the system, the other carries
out. Let me classify the nine kinds of water. They are
hard water, raw water, boiled water, soft water, rain water,
snow water, filtered water, de-ionised water and distilled
water All are kinds of waterbut remember this: only one
of these nine kinds of water is good for you. Let me describe
them briefly.
Hard water is water containing excessive lime salts, that
Is, carbonates and sulfates of calcium and magnesium. Sodium,
iron, copper, silicon, nitrates, chlorides, viruses, bacteria,
chemicals and many other harmful inorganic minerials
and chemicals may also be present. Most of all the
water we drink comes from public water systems or private
wells. These are hard waters. Any water that has run through,
or over ground , is hard water to some degree. The
longer it filters through the soil, the harder it gets and the
more harmful it may become for you.
Some cities take water from rivers and lakes or mountain
reservoirs. They call it soft water. But soft water from such
sources is soft only in comparison to water which is harder.
I recall that each year earths rivers carry to the sea
five billion tons of dissolved minerals and othe unnumbered
millions of tons of carbon compounds and factory
pollutants. And ocean life is on the decrease, according
to Jacques Cousteau.
A False Type Of Water
There are also the hard waters which are called mineral
waters-that is, water from certain mineral springs-well
known for their medicinal effects. Practically all kinds of
bottled water is hard water.
The reason mineral water have this so-called medicinal
effect is because the body tries to throw off the excess
minerals which invade it, as intruding foreign deposits. Actually
, a form of dysentery exists, as the organism tries to
eliminate and expel this unusual condition. To subsist on
this type of water could be detrimental.
Raw water is water which has not been treated in any
way. It may be hard or soft as hard as lime water, or as
soft as rain water. Raw water contains millions of viruses
and bacteria, and is densely inhabited in every drop.
Chemicals dumped into our rivers may cause cancer, according
to the Environmental Protection Agency.
True, properly chlorinated water kills most germs and
viruses, but it can also kill cells in our body. The only
safe rule to follow individually, is to distill drinking water
which will eliminate both chlorine and pathogenic
Boiled Water Is Not The Answer
Boiled water is advised by some health authorities. Boiling
removes none of the inorganic minerals, although it
does kill the bacteria in raw water if boiled at least for 20
But the dead bodies of these germs are carried into the
system when the boiled water is drunk. Such dead material
furnish a fertilized soil for rapid and lusty propagation
of germs already in the body. By drinking boiled water one
may avoid live disease germs, but still takes on bacterial
soil for the growth of other bacteria.
While raw water is an aquarium filled with deadly microorganisms,
boiled water is a graveyard of dead germs.
The Impurity Of Rain Water
Rain water, which has been distilled by the heat of the
sun, should contain no mineral matter and no germs. But
when it falls from the clouds as rain, it falls through the air
filled with bacteria, dust, smoke, chemicals, mud and minerals.
By the time it reaches the earth as rain water, it is
so saturated with decaying matter, dirt and chemicals that
its colour becomes a yellowish-white.
If rain water is allowed to stand it becomes filthy because
of the rotting animal matter in it. I discuss it only because
some nature faddists are so ignorant that they advise the
use of rain water on the basis that it is natural.
Snow Is Unclean
Snow water is melted snow. It too, picks up minerals,
chemicals and radioactive fallout, such as Strontium 90.
Snow is frozen rain. Freezing does not destroy bacteria.
Snow looks white and clean, but it contains as many germs
minerals and pollutants as rain water. Remember the dirt
left from melting snow in the spring? How the dirt of what
has melted forms on top of the snow, which is not yet
melted! Try melting the cleanest snow, then note the filth
in the water. Each snowflake contains some form of air
Filtered Water Can Be Dangerous
Filtered water is water which has passed through a very
fine strainer, activated carbon or some other mechanical
barrier. The use of filtered water is still rather popular.
Some people think that water which has passed through a
filter is purified. They believe that the filter keeps the
waste substances and disease germs of the water in the filter.
While it is true that chlorine, some suspended substances
and many synthetic chemicals are removed in the
filter by filtering, there is no filter made which can prevent
bacteria or viruses from passing through its fine meshes.
Each pore of the finest filter is large enough for millions of
germs to pass through, even those containing silver!
Moreover, decaying matter collects on the bottom of every
filter. This forms an excellent breeding ground for bacteria.
After a filter has been used for a few days, the filtered
water often contains more disease germs than the water
which is put into the filter. Bacteria are multiplied by the
millions by the collected wastes at the base of some filters,
and washed through with filtered water, according to Dr.
Brown Landone.
De-Ionised Water Can Cause Virus Infections
Water processed by the de-ionized method effectively removes
minerals, and compares to distilled water in this respect.
However, it does become a breeding ground for
bacteria, pyrogenic matter and viruses. The fault in this
system, lies in the resin beds which can become notorious
breeding grounds. Therefore it is not wise to have this possibility
exist in your drinking water.
Furthermore, de-ionization does not remove synthetic
chemicals such as herbicides, pesticides, insecticides or industrial
The Miracle Of All Water Distilled Water!
Distilled water is water which has been turned into vapor,
so that virtually all its impurities are left behind.
Then, by condensing , it is turned back to pure water.
Distillation is the single most effective method of water
purification. It is Gods water for the human race.
In a manner of speaking, distillation is natures way. The
weather of the world is created in the tropics, where half
the heat reaching the earth falls on land and water masses.
Here heat energy is stored within water vapor through the
process of evaporation, natures distillery. When the jet
streams return ocean water to inland areas, they do so
without sea salts and minerals, all of which have been left
Nowadays you will hear a lot about reverse osmosis. In
this process, water is purified by forcing a portion of the
raw water through a semi-permeable membrane. Reverse
osmosis removes a high percentage of the dissolved solids
as well as other contaminants, and when new the result
often approaches the purity of distilled water. The degree
of purity in any case varies widely, depending on the types
and conditions of the equipment used, much as with filter
equipment, and the effectiveness lessens with use. Some
times drastically!
Natures Natural Distilling Plant
Distilling water turns it into vapor, and then through
condensation, back again into pure water. Rising vapor
cannot carry minerals and other dissolved solids it will
not carry disease germs, dead or alive. The secret is that
the vapor rises between all the suspended particles and
chemicals in the air. When this condensation occurs as falling
rain, it picks up airborne pollutants! Not so in a vented
distiller where most of them are eliminated.
If pure distilled water is boiled in a teakettle, no calcium or
Minerals of any kind will collect to coat the inside of the kettle,
Even though you used the same kettle for ten years.
The World`s Greatest Secret
Distilled water then is water of the purest kind. It is odorless,
Colorless and tasteless.
The divine purpose of water is to regulate temperature and to act
As a solvent. In nature, water in evaporation is so fine that your eye
Cannot perceive it as it is drawn up into the clouds. Then it falls as
Rain, keeping the earth from being parched and burned.
As a solvent, it dissolves rocks and soil. It figures in the transport
Of nutrients into plant life.
In the human body, water fills similar functions. It regulates the
temperature of the body by helping take off extra heat resulting from an
intake of some 3,000 calories of food each day. Water keeps the body
from burning up. It carries waste products from the body.
The Greatest Function of Distilled Water
Distilled water acts as a solvent in the body. It dissolves food
Substances so they can be assimilated and taken into every cell.
It dissolves inorganic mineral substances lodged in tissues of the
Body so that such substances can be eliminated in the process of
The body. Distilled water is the greatest solvent on earth the only one
That can be taken into the body without damage to the tissues.
By its continued use, it is possible to dissolve inorganic minerals, acid
crystals, and all the other waste products of the body without injuring
Inorganic Mineral Deposits Must Be Removed.
For purification, distilled water is the solvent of choice. After mineral
Deposits are dissolved, gentle muscular exercise can force the dissolved
Poisons and wastes from the tissues into the blood so that blood can
Wastes to the excretory organs. Then, these organs can squeeze and
The wastes out of the body.
Remember that great scientists now not only admit but assert that all
old age, and even death unless by accident is due to waste poisons
not washed out of the body.
The legendary Dr. Alexis Carrel made heart tissue apparently immortal by
regularly washing away the wastes of the cells.
Now you have learned about the nine different types of water. Let me
repeat them again so you will never forget them: hard water, soft water,
raw water, boiled water, rain water, snow water, filtered water, deionized
water, and distilled water. It is wise to remember these nine
different,types of water, but there is only one water you must always
remember- distilled water? Dr. Paul Bragg, a life-time advocate of
distilled water, lived to age 94, the span of life others only lecture about.
He and others with track records say this is your lifeline to a long, happy,
carefree span of life.
Your Secret Enemy At Work.
Hard water then is your greatest enemy. It will destroy every fond hope
you have by striking you down when you should be enjoying the fruits of
your labors. Crippled joints, repeated surgeries, enlarged
hearts,hardened arteries, gall stones, kidney stones, hearing problems,
forgetful minds, all draw your activities from the great out-of-doors
intocreaking rocking chairs and finally into bed-ridden old people`s home.
Why all this, when the body and mind was divinely designed to live
forever! Dr. Alexis Carrel proved that! Captain Diamond lived a lomg
merry life.Let us trace the course of hard water, the cause of our ills. It
begins in the clouds. As it collects minerals and poisonous chemicals. It is
good water, except for what it picks up as it falls. When it reaches the
ground it is divinely designed to do one thing, to pick up minerals.These
inorganic minerals are wonderful, but only for plants. As the water picks
up minerals, it distributes them evenly to plant life. Plants would never
grow if these minerals were not supplied to their roots. Water then acts
as a carrier of some minerals, namely anion nutrients. But alas, chemicals
have now polluted our pure air. To clean the air, and make it fit to
breathe, nature designed water to absorb these poisons.
The Fault Lies In Inorganic Minerals
We have never realized that these collected minerals from the air and
in the ground are all inorganic minerals, which cannot be assimilated by
the body unless they are chelated into organic molecules. The only
minerals the body can utilize are the organic minerals. All the others are
foreign minerals and must be disposed of or eliminate. Herein lies the
problem we have never suspected as the possible cause of nearly all our
aging diseases.
Only Plants Need Inorganic Minerals
Water, as a carrier of minerals, is fine for the plant. The plant in turn
converts the inorganic to organic minerals. Now, our bodies can
assimilate them. We have worked this process in reverse. We consume
hard saturated with calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, silicon, not
realizing the body is unable to assimilate these nutrients efficiently. So
nature tucks them in the joints as arthritis, in the intestinal walls as
constipation, and along the arteries, causing them to harden. The kidneys
and liver roll up the mineral deposits into little stones until they get too
large for the ducts. Sometimes the filters of the kidneys become so
mineral clogged that kidney transplants become necessary.
Heart Conditions Can Result From Mineral Deposits
Calcium deposits in the heart chambers and valves become so
cemented into place with mineral deposits that heart surgery becomes
necessary. Calcium deposits in the inner ear cause deafness. Skilled
surgeons can now remove these deposits and in many cases restore
hearing again. Should these deposits occur on the nerve, then total
deafness can result.
Since water is a carrier of inorganic minerals, harmful to the body
functions, we now wisely remove virtually all trace minerals, chemicals
and foreign particles through the process of distillation. Then, and only
then, is water odorless, colorless, and tasteless and fit for consumption.
I realize that there have been a few university study results that seem
to deny these observations. And it may be possible in rare
circumstances that water can contain organically complex minerals that
are assimilable. But these are rare situations, especially on our now
polluted planet. I am aware of a study that tends to correlate heart
health with hard water areas. Full scrutiny of these data, however, poses
more questions than it answers. Not answered at all is how people are to
get unpolluted water in the first place.
Pure Water Is Your Lifeline
We have now learned that water is a carrier of inorganic minerals and
toxic chemicals of organic synthesis. But through the process of distilling,
the water is separated from virtually everything it carries, and is now
pure water. As it enters the body, it again picks up mineral deposits
accumulated in the joints, artery walls, or wherever such deposits occur,
and begins to carry them out. Gall stones and kidney stones get smaller
and smaller until they can safely pass through their ducts. Little by little
arthritic pains become less as joints become more supple and movable.
Arteries gradually become more elastic as bloody pressures tend to
become more normal. Gradually the outlook on life becomes a little more
youthful ambitions begin to return, while the squeaking rocking chair
will give way to the web covered golf clubs.
The startling fact to remember is that water attracts chiefly inorganic
minerals. Organic minerals stay in the tissues, where they belong. This is
a marvelous feat of Divine Reasoning. We were not born to die we were
born to live! This fact is easily proved. X-ray`s of the arteries will never
show unless there are calcium deposits along the artery walls. Doesn`t
this prove that we have mineral deposits even along swift moving blood
So hard water carries inert minerals into the body, and distilled water
carries them out it`s just as simple as that.
There is then only one way you can purify your body and help to
eliminate your chronic aging diseases and that is through the miracle of
distilled water. A sludge-filled motor cannot operate smoothly unless the
sludge is removed. Neither can a body be supple and ageless unless the
joints, arteries, cells and nerve tracts are free of mineral deposits!
The Appalling Truth
The average person drinks about a gallon of water per day. Adding up
the cups of coffee, tea, soft drinks, food and water, this gallon isnt too
much. Many men drink much more. At a gallon a day, the average person
drinks up to 450 glasses of solids during a life span. These same solids are
found in your humidifier, and in grandmothers teakettle. Think of it
450 glasses of mineral solids in your system during a lifetime.
What does the body do with these foreign materials? Nature does the
very same thing you are now thinking. It tries to eliminate them. Do you
recall the water spots on your windows from your water sprinkler? Ever
try to remove them? It takes lots of vinegar and lots of rubbing to
dissolve the deposits.
This same reaction takes place in our bodies. It begins by putting a thin
film along our intestinal walls. As soon as one film is laid, it attracts
another film much easier, until it begins to build up and one of the first
results is constipation, a plague to millions of people. Other deposits
occur where blood flows the slowest, such as in the joints as arthritis and
gout, along the arteries as hardening, in the veins as varicose, in the lungs
as emphysema. It often coats the crystalline lens of the eyes with a fine
film possibly resulting in cataracts. Glaucoma, the dreaded eye disease,
can be another result of hard water. The tiny vessels film up with mineral
deposits, which result in a build-up of pressure in the eye. There has
never been a known cause for glaucoma. It might be the mineral
In all my years of experience as a practicing optometrist all my
glaucoma patients drank water with extreme hardness. Distilled water as
a possible preventative is still the best long-range program to follow.
Heart Attacks Unknown
Bantu African tribesmen are known to have the cleanest arteries, as
well as the most elastic ones. They dig no wells, but catch rain water.
Although this water is contaminated with bacteria, it is still almost free of
minerals. The air and water pollutions, such as we have here, have not as
yet affected them as much. This is a tremendous testimony for mineralfree
water. Even the Europeans have far less cholesterol in their arteries
than we do. They of course drink more wine than we do. Wine is
comprised of distilled water. All water that passes through the roots of
plants, converts the inorganic minerals to organic minerals, and distills
the water at the same time. When juices contain minerals, they contain
them as complexed organic molecules.
The True Function of Cholesterol
Cholesterol is very important to our system. We get it in certain foods.
The largest part originates in saturated fats, and this type can be harmful.
The liver also manufactures its own cholesterol. Cholesterol is an oil or
lubricant. It keeps the blood oily so the blood can flow easily through the
arteries and veins. If it were not for cholesterol, the friction along our
artery walls would soon wear them through. Nature is not so stupid.
Everything is planned to work. But as inorganic mineral deposits adhere
to the artery walls, cholesterol collects, narrowing the diameter of the
arteries, risking possible occlusion. The Bantu Africans did not have this
problem. The best time to avoid mineral deposits is as an early age. This
reasoning is logical.
My Personal Experience
About forty years ago I felt the impact of the effects of drinking hard
deep well water. I never gave it much thought until recently, perhaps,
because I was not concerned about longevity then.
This particular farmer has a most distressing health problem. I doubt
that he weighed a hundred pounds. At intervals he would be unable to
eat. If he did, he would belch, vomit and double up with pain. I thought
each day would be his last. Finally his doctor advised him to leave his
farm. Upon arriving in California, a kind neighbor suggested he drink
distilled water with several small glasses of wine in between. A month
later symptoms vanished and he could eat heartily. Today at the age of
88 he is still hale and hearty, an example of good health. It was the iron
and magnesium in his well water that could have spelled an early death
for him.
I Followed The Same Path
I still remember how I used to enjoy drinking ice cold water from his
deep well, not realizing I was consuming three glasses of solids per year.
That I too was a candidate for hardening of the arteries, arthritis,
cataracts, gall stones, diabetes, obesity and other aging diseases never
crossed my mind.
I then recalled another experience during my teen-age years. I was born
and reared in a small South Dakota town. In those days we had a town
well to supply our drinking water. It was good cold hard water. (It did a
wonderful job in corroding my mothers teakettle.) The city electric plant
was located near the well, but I noticed the plant manager drank distilled
water. Being curious, I asked him why he drank that filthy water with
such good tasting well water nearby.
I can still feel the indignation that suddenly swelled up within him. He
then softened his words by saying, Some day when you grow up, you
will find out. Somehow this always bothered me. I knew he didnt want
to take the time to explain it to a mere kid. All the while I knew he had his
reasons. It took me all these years to find out.
The truth of drinking distilled water is not new. It is just that the public
has never caught on. Today, many progressive doctors prescribe distilled
water for their patients. All the kidney machines operate on the purest
distilled water. It is now time to shake our sickly population out of their
lethargy and languor. Thousands of American cities have potential health
hazards in their drinking water and millions of farm wells should be
The Dark Clouds Are Gathering
Not only are we concerned about the minerals in our water, but we
must also add the deadly nitrates and anthracenes which are seeping into
our lakes, rivers and wells. The sewer wastes, and factory pollutions,
detergents included, travel upstream underground at the rate of a half
mile every six months
Our President Shocked
Our presidents realize that through pollution we could destroy
ourselves within the next few decades. Only through the backing of our
government and by spending billions of dollars can we even begin to
cope with this insurmountable problem.
What our presidents dont realize is that the first step to take is to
purify our drinking water. According to government statistics, 10 parts
per million of nitrates in water can kill a newborn baby. This is serious! To
put filtering plants in our cities would take millions of dollars. The
quickest solution to our drinking water problem would be to distill and
bottle water for delivery to our homes.
My Personal Problem Solved
I investigated this product and found distilled water was selling for
about fifty cents per gallon a few years ago. It is higher now; I then began
a search for a home still. There were many on the market for our
laboratories, but the plumbing and the upkeep would be expensive, as
well as a cleaning problem. Also most stills were not made for drinking
As luck would have it, I found an all-electric automatic still which just
answered my purpose. The size of the still depends on the number of
gallons needed. They are automatic and attractive in appearance,
operate on pennies a day, and usually pay for themselves in nine months.
It solved my immediate drinking problem for me and my family. I can
now enjoy the purest water at its best!
We Are Our Own Worst Enemies
Now I can fight pollution. I can enter government programs raising my
voice at town meetings against pollution in the soil, in the air and in the
water. Today, the newborn baby doesnt have a chance if there are
nitrates in its first bottle of water. Blue babies are the results of nitrates.
How many babies are crying today when the hidden cause lies in the
water, food, and the air they consume? Any mother would sacrifice her
life for that of her child yet unknowingly, through pollution she
becomes a hazard to her own child.
We Must Declare War On Pollution
The fight to end pollution calls for the combined efforts of every man,
woman and child. The farmer must watch the insecticides and the toxic
chemicals in his soils. The manufacturer must bottle up his waste
products and eliminate deadly monoxide gas. The air must be made free
and clean of all harmful particles. Pollutants are serious today very
Although I have solved my own problems so far as polluted and mineral
saturated water is concerned, what about the millions of people in our
cities who are unknowingly drinking water saturated with toxic chemicals
and inorganic minerals? What about our rural people, who consider deep
wells the epitome of good drinking water, not realizing the surgeries and
aging diseases that may lie ahead?
Water Is Never The Same
True, our officials inspect and test our city water periodically, but water
is never the same at all times, neither are wells in the same locations.
Water can vary every day. Sometimes chemicals in water can become
excessive; at other times negligible; but at all times the minerals will be
there. We are looking for mineral-free and chemical-free water. This is
the only kind of water our bodies demand. Only through the process of
distillation can we achieve this purity.
Water: A Carrier Of Disease
I recall a Dr. T<R< Van Dellen, who made the statement that even foul
water carries the germs of hepatitis. In one ten-year time frame while I
practiced in my profession, there were 1,700 cases of hepatitis due to
contaminated water. Life is too precious to victimize so many innocent
House Beautiful magazine once made this statement: You may still be
able to drink water from your tap, but chances are its not as pure as it
could and should be. The pollutants in much of our water include
chemicals from industry, such as lethal chlorinates, obnoxious phenols
and tannins, plus commercial chemical fertilizers, weed killers, poison
pesticides washed into streams by runoff or put into the water by
injudicious overspray.
Radioactive materials may one day be our most serious pollutant.
Should atmospheric testing be resumed, this would be a menace. Also
present is radioactive cesium-137 and even benzene-5, a known
What can we do about it? We can improve our own home water
supply. Water from our municipal systems has been treated to kill
contagion, but still may not be appetizing. It comes from a sewagepolluted
river or lake, it may be cloudy. It may be so hard that soap wont
lather, but instead forms curds that puts a dirty ring around our bathtubs
and turns our white clothes gray. If our water comes from a well, it may
have all these faults and more. If you have a well, you may be floating on
a sea of sewage.
Now the day is coming [for many it is already here] when we, too,
must face up to the question of whether we want to drink our water as it
runs from the tap. Stopgap measures could correct some of its evils. But
only some. The real answer lies in our rivers, our lakes and in our soil
and in what we do to protect them against befoulment. If we do nothing,
a scourge of major proportion may be our legacy. So wrote David X,
This will give you some idea of how serious our water problem is! To
clean it will take years. The answer lies in what we do now for our own
protection. La Vista, Nebraska, had a severe water problem midway
during my practicing career. The tap water collected in jars was rust
colored and murky. Mrs. Carol Petersen, a local, said We had a lot of
other neighbors who wanted to come here this morning, but they
couldnt because they had to stay home with their children who had
diarrhea from drinking the water.
Since water is a carrier of minerals and chemicals, let me list some of
them found in our water:
Chlorine Copper
Sodium Zinc
Magnesium Lead
Sulphur Selenium
Calcium Cesium
Potassium Uranium
Bromine Molybdenum
Carbon Thorium
Strontium Cerium
Boron Silver
Silicon Vanadium
Fluorine Lanthanum
Nitrogen Yttrium
Aluminum Nickel
Rubidium Scandium
Lithium Mercury
Phosphorus Gold
Barium Radium
Iodine Cadmium
Arsenic Chrome
Iron Cobalt
Manganese Tin
Our bodies need many of the above-mentioned elements, but only in
their organic state. They must first pass through the roots of our plants
before our bodies can assimilate them. Herein lies the big error. Nature
has a tremendous distilling plant. As the vapors rise, all impurities are left
behind. Only as the clouds recondense the water does it again pick up the
elements left behind. Now it becomes harmful to us, but beneficial to
plants. There is a big difference between powdered iron filings and the
iron found in plants. It takes no chemist to tell the difference.
Why Should We Grow Older?
The body is designed to feel younger at any age. To feel one day older
has always plagued the thinking of humanity and added worries to
everyday living. New wrinkles add up to deeper lines gray hair begins to
crop out while deaths occur at younger ages. All this need never be.
Youth should remain youth age is just a postponement it need never
come. The government is planning to educate 10,000 additional doctors
to take care of the diseases for which we already have the natural cure.
Why not attack the water problem, and prevent the host of diseases,
without the need of additional doctors who will die of the same
diseases they attempt to cure! There is no need to have a heart so
corroded with calcium deposits that surgery becomes necessary.
What A Price To Pay
One morning two patients came to my office. One had a ruptured blood
vessel due to hardening of the arteries. He also had polar cataracts. The
other patient had a severe nosebleed which resulted in the loss of a pint
of blood. When he arrived at the hospital the doctor diagnosed his
condition as arteriosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries. Had his
nosebleed not relieved his pressure, it could have resulted in a stroke.
Both patients lived on a farm, drank water excessively from hard water
wells. Is it worth the price?
What Lies In Store For US?
Could all these aging, crippling diseases have been avoided? What do
we have to look forward to? Crippled joints and massive strokes? Do we
want medical costs to wipe out our life saving? What lies in store for
most of us?
The Rewards of Prevention
Now is the time to shout the truth from our mountain tips. Its time for
the press, radio and television to splash this possible secret to longevity
on their front pages, through the air and on our television screens. Let
every man, woman and child become alerted to one of the greatest
discoveries of mankind. Let our medical schools and practitioners turn
their attention to prevention. Vital organs are not meant to be removed,
but to function! Prevention, not drugs, is the answer to our aging
Water is Deceiving
What is in a sparkling glass of water may look pure, taste pure, smell
pure, but you will still have to drink it at your own risk.
Here are pertinent suggestions:
1. The water must flow from the purest possible source. Adequate
safeguards must prevent pollution of this source.
2. Frequent surveys must be made to detect potential health hazards.
3. An enforceable system of rules and regulations must prevent
development of health hazards.
4. Proper safeguards must protect water quality from source to house.
5. Only qualified personnel may operate the water supply system.
6. The water source must have enough reserve to meet peak demands.
7. Bacterial monitoring must be continuous.
8. Only specified, scientific tests may determine water quality.
9. Water with bacterial levels above precisely stated limits must be
considered unsafe for public consumption.
Consider, for example, Cleveland, which dropped thousands of pounds
of nitrates and phosphates into Lake Erie, part of its metabolism. These
wastes originated from homes, hotels, Laundromats and offices. These
wastes included, among other things, phenol, iron, zinc, sulfuric acids,
ammonia, and hydrofluoric acid (which incidentally eats through glass).
All this created complicated drinking water problems for Cleveland. And
for most industrial cities.
Its Time To Become Alarmed
We do not know from day to day just what pollutions may exist in our
own water. There is, however, one way to be sure, and that is to distill
your own water. You are then sure that you will get the purest water
A Twin Cities Problem
I remember reading about a Coon Rapids, Minnesota, housewife who
telephoned the state health department to report that water from her
home well had a peculiar foam on it. That was the first sign of a
problem that later became one of concern to several million people in
the Twin Cities area.
The foam came from surfactants, the active ingredient in detergents.
Surfactants do not occur in nature. Thus, when they are found in an
underwater supply, their origin can be traced directly to sewage
Nitrates become hazardous to formula-fed infants. Boiling water does
not make the water safer; it only increases the concentration of the
Nitrates A Nebraska Problem
Nitrates fed to our Nebraska soils to increase our food supply along
the Platte Valley have become a health hazard to the longest-lived
people in the nation. Since the water table is high, nitrates filter into the
water supply for drinking purposes. Since 1- parts per million can be fatal
to a newborn child, it is time to become concerned. Our luscious valley,
with its tall, waving corn, is rapidly becoming a death trap.
Today, mankind has destroyed our soils, our water and our air. The lure
for wealth has over-shadowed our gift of life. Through our soils we have
opened the doorway to hosts of new insects and plant diseases. Through
our contaminated waters we are killing our wildlife and our babies in
their cribs. The air is unfit to breathe. Life today is not living. It is merely
existing. Where will it all end? Is it a problem for one of us, or all of us?
If our soils are sick, our plants are sick. If our plants are sick, our
animals are sick and if our animals are sick, we humans become sick,
says Paul Brinkman.
Behind the Curtain
Americans during any year eat millions of pounds of beef from cattle
that had cancer eye, or similar tumorous disorders. Thousands of cattle
carcasses checked by federal inspectors are held in meat plants until
tumorous parts are whittled out. The remainder of the meat is put on the
Millions of cattle carcasses are detained briefly in meat plants while
parts are cut out because of other diseases and injuries ranging from
adhesions to tuberculosis. The rest is just fine for consumption.
In the meantime, federal regulations continue to permit meat,
processors to carve out infected or damaged portions of animals,
condemn the cancerous parts of cattle, and sell the rest of the meat on
the market.
Since the meat processors do not want to lose their profits, they would
much rather feed this cancer-ridden meat to the unsuspecting public as
U.S. Choice.
I am happy to report that a new form of clean agriculture is gaining a
toehold in the United States. It is being called eco-agriculture by the
publisher of Acres U.S.A.- a journal layman and farmer alike ought to read
and it relies on scientific principles as well as the practical experience of
organic growers.
Science has proved that plants with balanced hormone and enzyme
systems provide their own protection against insect and fungal crop
destroyers. The seat of this balance is soil fertility, starting with a pH
managed by keeping calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium in
proper equilibrium. The trace minerals also figure since they are keys to
proper functioning of plant enzymes.
The full package known as eco-agriculture can and does produce more
abundant bins and bushels, and does it while improving nutrient quality
in food for animal and human consumption. What a boon to agriculture
and to the health of our nation.
The people of Hunza do not use toxic chemicals. They grow from two to
three crops per year. There are no insects or diseases. Why not channel
our research and educational dollars where they will do some good?
The Wheel of Health
We live by the law of transformation. Transformation from the soil to
the plant from the plant to the animal or human, then back to the soil
again, forming an everlasting cycle of health. The dust of the earth then
becomes the cells in our bodies. We live by the law of interdependence.
No soul or body is an island by itself. It is a part of something else
Therefore, we must first consider the soil, which is the mother of us all.
We must become concerned about the air above us, from which we cling
to the breath of life. The water around us must be pure and free of all
inorganic minerals and chemicals. Every cell in our bodies must be bathed
in the purest water. Life is purity. We cannot live by bread alone. Air,
water and sunshine are responsible for life and growth. Each of these
gives something to the other.
Paul Brinkman, a former president of Queen Ann School of
Cosmetology, so ably expressed himself in these words: Water cannot
be destroyed, but it can be made sick! Man with his additives has defiled
the laws of God. You can always expect something unnatural whenever
you violate something natural.
Mr. Brinkman became interested in distilled water especially since he
was concerned about his diabetic condition. Imagine his surprise when he
checked out sugar free. It likewise surprised his doctor. According to any
edition of Mercks Manual, the exact cause of diabetes is not known. The
cause lies in the inadequate production of insulin by the beta cells of the
islets of Langerhans. The cells are alive; it is just that they do not function.
My inspiring teacher, Dr. Landone, stated that the mineral deposits
enclose the cells with a mineral film so they are unable to function. I am
inclined to believe his conclusions because there has to be a cause.
Whether distilled water will cure diabetes is not for me to say. It is not
within my field to diagnose; however, with the knowledge derived from
my study of distilled water, I feel quite emphatic about its merits.
There is much to learn about water. I have merely touched on a few
pertinent facts of water in its relations to vibrant health and longevity.
The facts I gathered have proved themselves to me. When men can live
to the age of 120, I become alert! There has to be some cause. I am
convinced that the inorganic minerals and chemicals in water become a
hazard to every man, woman and child. The body must be free of sludge
to operate efficiently. The eliminating organs cannot expel all the
deposits, so nature does the next best thing and tucks them wherever
she can. Since water is the greatest solvent known, it becomes the best
agent to carry out that which is brought in.
The test is very simple. Place a mirror or glass under a dripping faucet.
Let it dry, and observe the water spots. Then place this glass in distilled
water. The distilled water will dissolve the water spots. This is what the
whole story is about this is the cause of all our aging diseases. Dr.
Landone cured his heart condition. Captain Diamond cured his arthritis
and lived to the splendid age of 120 years. Could distilled water be the
answer? If it is, how different living in this world could be. Since we live
but once, therefore, should we not live wisely? The choice is clear it is
now up to you.
Disease does not exist without cause. It begins where cause begins and
persists where cause persists. Chronic disease means chronic
provocation. Cure cannot take place until the cause of disease is
removed. Symptoms may subside or be palliated and suppressed; a crisis
may pass, but disease persists so long as cause is ignored or
Let us now answer the many questions that may arise:
During my years in optometric practice, many of my patients have asked
me the following questions. Naturally, I am not a medical practitioner,
neither is it in our code of ethics to diagnose. As a profession, we draw a
strict line between observing and referring. Therefore. I shall quote
medical authorities, along with some of my observations. I only ask that
you accept that which you believe, and disregard that which you
disbelieve. The questions will all relate to hard water and its relation to
our aging diseases.
Q. In regard to your visit to Hunza, in your opinion, what was their
main secret of longevity?
A. There is no secret to longevity. However, I did observe the
following. They ate most of their fruits and vegetables raw and
raised them on organic soil. Fruits and vegetables are about 90%
natural water of exceptionally high purity. Along with that, they
drank glacier water which is very low in inorganic minerals. Wine
was their main beverage, which again is comprised of natural
water of very high purity. So their percentage of distilled water
quality was 90% greater than ours. I consider this an important
secret which I nearly missed.
Q. Do you advocate raw fruits and raw vegetables?
A. Indeed I do. A live body should have a live food! Plant a carrot and
it will grow. Cook a carrot, then plant it. It will not grow, because
its lifes principle has been destroyed. Place cancer cells in a
cooked media and they will proliferate. Now place the cancer cells
in a raw matter and they will disappear! This astounding fact is
known to the Cancer Society, but the public was never informed.
By all means, get a good vegetable juicer. Through trial and effort
I located a tremendous juicer it answered my needs for a
Q, Will distilled water cure arthritis?
A. According to medical science, there is no sure cure for arthritis.
Arthritis is partially caused by mineral deposits in the joints. X-rays
will show the mineral deposits very clearly. These deposits
crystallize to irritate the joints as they move, causing severe pain
and swelling. Since the average person drinks up to 450 glasses of
mineral solids found in hard water during a life span, it is logical to
assume that these inorganic minerals were slowly deposited in
the joints through the years, causing the arthritis. Distilled water,
in turn, dissolves these mineral deposits. Several years ago, I, too,
was arthritic. At the age of 70, I could still kick as high as my head.
It fees wonderful to be agile, and painless. Paavo O. Airola N.D., in
one of his early books states: There is a cure for arthritis. He
reports the case in a Swedish clinic: Albin Vistrand, a Swedish
farmer, was so crippled by arthritis he could hardly move his arms
and legs. Twelve years of treatment with prosthetic devices, drugs
and X-rays had availed nothing. Yet, after only one month at the
Brandals Clinic, his pain vanished, his limbs regained mobility and
he went home to work on his farm completely cured.
Q. What was their method of cure?
A. Live fruit and vegetable juices, fasts and warm baths with gentle
massage. Again, your live juices are distilled water. The principal
point to remember is that hard water carries inorganic minerals
into our bodies, whereas distilled water carries them out. You
must reverse this process. Its that simple.
Q. What is your opinion of Dr. Jarvis and his honey and vinegar
treatment for arthritis?
A. Its wonderful. Only he should have suggested distilled water
instead of hard water. Apple cider vinegar is a tremendous
solvent. Along with distilled water, you have an unbeatable team.
Add a tablespoon or two of raw apple cider vinegar [produced at
specialty food stores] to a gallon of distilled water to give it flavor
and you have a drink fit for the gods. Vinegar removes water
spots from the windows, which proves what an excellent solvent
it is. As to honey, it is predigested natural sweet. It will lessen
your craving for synthetic sweets. Incidentally, raw honey is most
excellent for allergies. Dr. W. Peterson, Ada, Oklahoma, said that
raw honey is an effective cure for 90% of all allergies, providing
this raw honey is obtained within a ten-mile radius. The above
fact is most important! Dr. Peterson had 22,000 patients across
the nation who were using raw honey. Only raw honey is of any
value. Raw honey is available through local beekeepers, health
food stores, or at some supermarkets. If it sugars its raw honey.
Now, you can say goodbye to your allergies.
Q. I have hardening of the arteries. Is there a cure for it?
A. Medical science would give a qualified no. They classify it as an
aging disease. Arteries are invisible to X-rays unless there are
mineral deposits along the artery walls. They then show up very
clearly. This proves one point, that mineral deposits do occur
along the artery walls. That is the reason they harden. Also, this
is another reason why they lose their elasticity and rupture after a
sudden exertion. Could it be if we switched to distilled water at an
early age, this dreaded condition would never exist? Captain
Diamond thought so, and lived to the biblical age of 120 years. A
close friend of mine hoped to have a coronary artery transplant.
When the surgeon examined his coronary artery, he found it [in
his words] hard as cement. There was no way to attach an
elastic artery to a cemented artery. Could distilled water during
his younger years have avoided this? Dr. Landones experience
says yes.
Q. Does hard water affect everyone alike?
A. Definitely not! Of the 106 different chemicals and minerals found
in water, each person may become acceptable to one or more, or
a combination of them. Mineral deposits settled in different parts
of the body, causing different symptoms. If mineral deposits film
the intestinal walls, it could result in constipation. If they clog the
screening system of the kidneys, it could result in a kidney
transplant of kidney stones. If they corrode the heart chambers of
valves, a transplant could be necessary. Water rushing swiftly
through a pipe can still corrode the pipe. Speed makes no
difference. A glass of water may look clear and sparkling, but spill
it on a mirror, let it dry, and film remains!
Q. How do you determine hardening of the arteries?
A. How does the physician determine when a person has hardening
of the arteries? The retinal vessels are seen by looking into the
eye with an ophthalmoscope. Arteriosclerotic vessels are
corkscrew in appearance. Whenever a hardened artery crosses a
soft vein, the latter appears to be indented or nicked. A diagnosis
of arteriosclerosis can be made in this situation. X-rays of the
chest, abdomen, or extremities offer reliable evidence. Thickened
and tortuous vessels are demonstrated on the film when there is
calcium in the walls. The physician assumes that arteriosclerosis
exists in older people and most of us probably have a patch here
or there. Traces have been found in postmortem examinations on
infants and teenagers. Calcium deposits do exist within our artery
walls. Most heart attacks stem from blockage of an
arteriosclerotic artery. This is true especially of persons suffering
an attack of coronary thrombosis. These symptoms are direct
evidence that the condition exists. We do know that the coronary
arteries are most susceptible to the hardening process. As a
result, they may be involved long before those of the brain, eyes,
kidneys or limbs.
Q. Does lecithin have any merits?
A. Lecithin is a fatty acid found in animal tissues, especially nerve
tissue, semen, yolk of egg, and in small amounts in bile and
blood. Lecithin is said to have been given in rickets, dyspepsia,
neurasthenia, diabetes, anemia and tuberculosis, according to a
standard Medical Dictionary. Lecithin also acts as a solvent for gall
stones. It would then be wise to combine lecithin with distilled
water for greater effect. Lecithin can be purchased in capsule
form from most natural food stores. This is good preventative
before gall stones form. It is then important that you remain
under doctors care to avoid any blockage. Your doctor is a very
important consultant for your health problems.
Q. Surely tested city water ought to be good to drink!
A. Grand Island, Nebraska had a severe water problem when I was
an area practitioner. When a local meat packing plant was closed
down, due to staining of meat by iron and manganese, the
seriousness of the problem was brought to the attention of the
city. The cry then arose, What will this water do to children and
adults? The cost of a 50 megawatt steam generating unit was
about $17,572,937 at the time. What a price to pay to remove the
minerals from their drinking water. How much better to have a
home distilling unit now.
Q. Is fluoridation healthful or harmful?
A. Dr. Robert Mick of Laurel Springs, New Jersey, has offered
$100,000 to anyone who could prove fluoridation is healthful! At
first an ardent believer of fluoridation, he began experimenting
with animals. As a result, he learned that bones, teeth, kidneys,
livers and spleens has accumulated up to 500% more fluoride
than controlled animals. Cripples were born to the third
generation! His reward has never been challenged. Dr. E. H.
Bronner, Escondido, California, a nephew of Albert Einstein,
offered $100,000 to anyone who could prove that fluoridation
was beneficial to humans. Fluoridation not only hardens teeth, it
also hardens the arteries and brain, and the same compound is
used as a rat poison. An estimated 88 million pounds of rat poison
shipped to our water systems for human consumption are not
colored blue or marked poison. Only fluoride which goes to
exterminators must be colored blue, or the supplier goes to
prison. Fluoridation of public drinking water is criminally
intolerant, utterly unscientific, and chemical warfare. Thank
heavens, distilling water will remove these deadly fluorides!
Q. What are some of the fringe benefits of distilled water?
A. Tea has more flavor. Coffee requires one-third less granules. Ice
cubes are crystal clear, foods digest much better and vitamins
assimilate easier and become more effective. The body derives
more nutrients out of foods and the corpuscles carry greater loads
of oxygen, so important to cell life. Foods keep much better and
longer [On soft water cattle produce 20% more mild and cream on
20% less fodder and the milk tastes much sweeter, with less
bacteria. This is based on Emmett Culligans research.]
Q. What does distilled water do for emphysema?
A. According to Mercks Manual, it is very difficult to diagnose all
forms of emphysema. In all cases corpuscles cannot come to the
surface of the lungs to discharge carbon dioxide and to return
with oxygen. Even children have patches of mineral deposits
somewhere in their tissues. Dr. Brown Landone, stated that often
mineral deposits surround cells and imprison them so they cannot
function. X-rays show such deposits along our joints, and along
artery walls. Perhaps such patches, accentuated by heavy
smoking, could so seal the surface of the lungs that a condition of
emphysema could exist. The condition could be much like
spraying kerosene over a stagnant pond to keep the larvae from
coming to the surface. The theory advanced by Dr. Landone is that
inorganic minerals do form somewhere in our bodies. In Dr.
Landones case, the minerals deposited formed themselves in his
heart valves. After drinking distilled water for several years, his
heart was perfect. He lived to the age of 98. Whether this applies
to emphysema is not for me to say. Many readers have written to
me about its merits. Since Dr. Landone lived to the age of 98, I had
better lean in his direction.
Q. What effect does distilled water have on cancer?
A. Again, according to Dr. Landone, Hard water seals each cell with
a film, so oxygen cannot reach the imprisoned cells. Nature then
develops new cells which thrive on less oxygen. These cells are
called cancer cells. Distilled water often frees the imprisoned cells
and allows the oxygen to reach the cells. Does it not seem logical
that a lifetime intake of distilled water could possibly have very
beneficial effects?
Q. What can distilled water do for obesity?
A. Dr. Landone stated emphatically that anyone drinking distilled
water exclusively would eventually return to normal weight. The
reason: hard water film imprisons the cells so tissues become
water-logged. Retention of fluid is the chief cause of obesity.
Distilled water again breaks the cell barrier and the body weight
returns to normal. Dr. Landone kept his weight perfect
throughout his 98 years. Weight watchers will lose weight,
regardless of present diet, if they will include from four to six
glasses of distilled water a half hour before each meal. It works
wonders. Why not try it!
Q. How can I drink distilled water on my coffee break?
A. I had this same problem, but solved it quite simply. I have distilled
water in my office. Before I go out on my coffee break, I drink
several glasses of distilled water. I then order a cup of coffee, and
sip a little off the top. Coffee breaks are for conversation and a
change in routine. On a trip, I carry several bottles of distilled
water with me. If I go on longer trips, I pack my portable electric
still, and have my own water from any tap. When I traveled in
foreign countries under the sponsorship of Art Linkletter, I
contracted dysentery so badly I was disabled for several months.
Finally, Campbells tomato soup cured my dysentery. My water
still could have prevented this. What a boon for world travelers!
Good health and good sense are two of lifes greatest blessings.
We often wonder why streams are so bitter, when we ourselves
have poisoned the fountain.
Q. What was Connie Macks secret?
A. Connie Mack, manager of the Philadelphia As for nearly 30 years,
reputedly would not allow his players to drink hard water under
any circumstances. He would not accept any contract unless he
could furnish his men with distilled water, and on some occasions,
low-mineral mountain water. Distilled water kept his players free
from constipation and in perfect health. Seldom did his pitchers
have sore shoulders due to hard water mineral deposits in their
joints. If your aspiring pitchers consider the big leagues as a
career, let them remember Connie Macks secret. Connie, too,
kept his perfect health to the age of 90.
Q. Do babies need distilled water?
A. Indeed they do! Many doctors insist on it. Babies are born free
from pollutants, and small amounts of pollutants to an unadapted
baby can be serious. Their formulas should include distilled water.
Prickly heat or rash are caused by hard water deposits left on
diapers and clothing. Often small amounts of nitrates can be fatal
to a newborn child.
Q. What will distilled water do for my complexion and scalp?
A. I recall a large house-to-house cosmetic company that went
broke. Their amazing success was due to one simple product:
perfumed distilled water. A cotton ball was saturated with this
preparation to clean the pores. The patrons were so excited about
this preparation; they asked what was in it. As soon as they
discovered the truth, they made their own. Hard water will seal
the pores, much as it spots windows. These spots are visible
under black light. No wonder we have so many skin infections,
pimples and other eruptions! Switch to distilled water, with nondetergent
soaps, and many complexion problems will vanish.
Q. Can animals and wildlife tell the difference?
A. Place the nine different kinds of water before a goat and he will
pick out the distilled water. You cant fool him. Birds given
distilled water will return year after year. Thoroughbred horses
have lost many a race due to changes in water. The late great race
horse, Secretariat, drank only distilled water. A breeder of
thoroughbreds from San Diego told some amazing stories about
his own horses. Acres U.S.A. has numerous case reports on the
value of pure water in animal production. Whenever possible,
distillation is preferred. If more race horse owners knew this
simple secret, they could have fattened their purses many times.
Q. Does hard water affect appearance, taste?
A. Here is a curious twist in the food department.certain
vegetables like peas, beans and legumes are effective water
softeners! They absorb a certain amount of the mineral hardness
in the water, becoming wrinkled in appearance. In turn they lose
as much as 50% of the valuable nutrient [B1]. Coffee and tea are
also affected in that not enough true flavor comes through
because of the hardness content in water, which explains largely
the reason for the different taste from one place to another.
Q. Some writers advocate calcium found in hard water. They say it is
good for your heart, arteries and bones.
A. The answer is very simple. If calcium is in the heart tissues, in the
arteries and in the bones, it is good for you. However, if it is found
on the outside, it is definitely not good for you. Hard water
deposits its calcium and other minerals on the outside. The choice
is clear!
Q. Are others concerned about drinking water?
A. When I started my practice the only water-borne virus diseases
were hepatitis and poliomyelitis. Today there are over one
hundred! Sources in the literature would probably fill a booklet
this size. The diagnosis of one river, the Connecticut, once
revealed how foul our fresh waters have become. A random
sample of the Connecticut disclosed disease bacteria including
typhoid, paratyphoid, cholera, salmonella, tuberculosis, polio,
anthrax, tetanus, plus countless other viruses. And that is not all.
Repulsive parasitic life forms such as tapeworm, roundworm,
hookworm, pinworm, and blood flukes were also present in
abundance. John Dvorak [Omaha World Herald, August 29, 1970]
made this statement: fish placed in the river near Omaha,
Nebraska, had an unacceptable taste. Fish from between the
mouth of the Platte and just above Kansas City tasted
acceptable. However, in the Kansas City area, river pollution
perforated the skin of the catfish. Water samples taken from the
Mississippi River below St. Louis were found to be so toxic that
even when diluted ten times with clear water, fish placed in the
mixture died in less than one minute.
Q. Do we need the inorganic minerals found in our water?
A. Absolutely not! We get our organic minerals from the foods we
eat. Fruits, grains, nuts, vegetables and meats supply all the
minerals we need. The longest-lived people, such as the
Hunzakuts in the Himalayas, the Vilcabamba in Ecuador, and the
Abkhazia in Georgia (south Russia), live to fantastic ages. They
drink glacier water, which checks out as single distilled water. If
you would like a clearer understanding, let me put the gist of my
book in a single paragraph. Pour a cup of tap water in a pan and
boil it. The vapors that rise are pure distilled water. It is fit to
drink. The spots that remain are inorganic minerals and chemicals
unfit to drink. Rain water will not spot your car. Tap water will.
We do not want to drink water that spots. Only the purest
water free of all minerals and chemicals should enter our bodies.
At one time our entire planet was covered with vapors, which
condensed into rivers, lakes and oceans. As these vapors
condense, they change into the purest water we can drink. A
simple rule to follow is this: if water spots, it is unfit to drink. If
it does not spot, then drink it.
Q. Does distilled water leach organic minerals out of our systems?
A. Of course not! It is only inorganic minerals rejected by the cells
and tissues of the body which, if not evacuated, can cause arterial
obstructions, and even more damage. These are minerals which
must be removed and which distilled water is able to collect. So
said Dr. N.W. Walker, age 100. In the business of telling people
how to live to be 100, he has track record. Living Health by Harvey
and Marilyn Diamond confirm this finding.
Q. What do the experts say?
A. Experts say it will take 25 years and $70 billion to make a dent in
our world pollutions. For our immediate relief, we need to go
back to our organic gardens, raise our own beef, and distill our
own water! If we wait it may be too late. The fire of pollution
keeps burning and destroying. To survive, we must act now! The
prophet Isaiah graphically foretold of our day: The earth is
drooping, withering .and the sky wanes with the earth, for earth
has been polluted by dwellers on its face.therefore, a curse is
crushing the earth, alighting on its guilty folk; mortals are dying
off, till few are left. (Isaiah 24:3-6. Moffatt translation).even
the beasts and birds and the very fish within the sea are
perishing. (Hozea 4:3). I quote these from Our Polluted Planet,
Ambassador College Press, Box 111, Pasadena, California 91101.
Dr. Paul Bragg, who lived to 94, a life-long exponent of vibrant
health, wrote a startling book, The Shocking Truth About Water,
which should be studied by everyone. No hard water had ever
touched his lips. He had the blood pressure of a 20-year-old
youngster. Let me quote his first experience with hard water.
When I was a small boy, my father took me to the P.T. Barrum
circus. The most fascinating freak to me was the lady who had
turned to stone. Here was a woman on a bed, and they could
actually drive spikes and nails into her body. She lay helpless and
rigid. She could move only her eyes. This lady suffered with
complete ankylosis that is, there were no joints in her entire
body that could make a simple movement. All the nerve tissues in
her body were paralyzed and dead. The man who explained these
freaks said that this lady was born in Hot Springs, Arkansas. The
lady who had turned to stone was a complete mystery to me as a
child. But not today! The water in Hot Springs is some of the
heaviest water in the United States. I have seen analyses of it and
the concentrations of calcium carbonate, potassium carbonate
and magnesium carbonate are very, very high. The poor lady in
the side show was a victim of this inorganic water. Her vital
organs were not strong enough to help force those inorganic
minerals out of her body, so they deposited themselves in her
joints. This was an unusual case, of course, but I have seen many,
many cases of arthritics who were complete cripples, absolutely
helpless. There are more than 20 million people living in the
United States today who have arthritis to some degree. Dr. Bragg
was a shouting testimony on how to live in a 20-year-old body for
90 years or more. Was distilled water one of the factors? The
choice seems clear! Why wait for crippling and aging disease?
Why not start while young and avoid that which is sure to come?
Youth is not measured in years the future of everyone can be
glorious, vibrant, and full of the adventure of achievement.
Continued youth is within the reach of all hands. Health is like the
air we breathe. We dont miss it until we are deprived of it.
Personal liberty is not license to do whatever you wish, but
freedom to do what you ought.
Q. Why didnt so many of the early practitioners write down what
they had to say rather than pass on their observations to you
A. Thirty-five years ago a writing that contradicted official science
was a one-way ticket to prison. Victor Irons went to prison for
what he wrote about Green Life. Wilhelm Reich died in prison for
his findings on energy outside the electro-magnetic spectrum. The
late Dr. Carey Reams spent his life and fortune defending his
biological theory of ionization and spent time in prison just the
same. Only recently has this judicial tyranny been lifted
somewhat. We owe citations to many people, even though they
didnt write.
H.W. Holderby, M.D., in his amazing Report on Water, has this to say:
Now a new poison has been added to our drinking water and toothpaste.
It threatens our health and lives, Millions of people are slowly poisoning
themselves to death.
The medical and dental world has just been rocked to its very foundation
by government sponsored investigations of toothpaste containing
fluorides. For fluoride is derived from fluorine, a deadly chemical to
humans, and while not dangerous in small amounts, the government
investigations of 156 cancer deaths which occurred in the past three years
indicates that fluorine accumulates in the human body and eventually
causes cancer and /or other illnesses which are fatal. Toothpaste is the
second largest source of fluorine, next to water which is Number One.
Fluorides attack almost everything. Their chemical action is such that all
containers must be lined with rubber or plastic, for it eats through all
metal material. What must it do to the tissues of the body? It is called
The Wild Cat of the chemical world. It unites with more chemicals than
anything else, forming new compounds. How can it help the teeth, which
are made up of calcium, when according to the U.S. dispensatory (24th
Edition, page 1456): Fluorides are violent poisons to all living tissues,
because of the precipitation of calcium.
Medical authorities now state it can cause cancer, Mongoloid births,
kidney disorders, bone diseases, impotency and even madness.
A copy of Dr. Holderbys report is available from Natural Foods
Associates, P.O. Box 210, Atlanta, Texas 75551.
A poison bottle has a skull and crossbones on it, but there was no skull
and crossbones on the faucets in Madison when I came here to tell me
that I was drinking and cooking with one of the most deadly poisons
known to man. It was not until 16 years later that I learned about
Madisons fluoridated water and could take remedial action. Sixteen long
years of fluoridating my system, seven of them wracked by pain and
despair because I did not know what was wrong and my doctor could not
help me.
Ive studied every book and article I could find on fluoridation. Ive
talked with those who know fluoridation. Ive been to the health
authorities the men who should have helped me and was told to
move out of Madison if I thought that fluoridated water harmed me.
Mothers would not feed their children the fluoride tablets which would
strengthen their teeth against cavities and so the children would have to
be doctored whether they wanted it or not.
The question most often asked is, How do you know that fluoridated
water harms you? that poses a problem, for how do I know? If, every
time I ate an egg it decided to return the way it came, Id know that an
egg was taboo in my diet. Or if I were to drink some lye water and burned
myself from end to end, Id know that my body says, No, no! Mustnt
But how do I know that fluoridated water is a no-no? Theres no
warning burn, the stomach does not rebel (at first); theres no smell, no
taste to warn of danger. So how do I know?
Only by bitter experience do I know, and that is a long, long story. Ill
just hit on the high spots.
I was the Paddock tomboy. I could jump and run, climb trees, swing as
high as anyone else. I spaded the garden, cleaned the hen house, loved
the outdoors. I joined the WACS and marched along with those much
younger than I. I went to Alaska and helped my brother-in-law build a
garage. I was healthy.
Oh yes, I had my troubles. My days when my stomach rebelled against
certain foods (a dormant ulcer): the days my back ached from the slipped
disc which had somehow come into my life. But, all in all, I was a healthy
individual. And then I came to Madison! Gradually that health gave way
to aches and pains, to allergies and sleepless nights, to intense
When I came to Madison in 1949, I did not know that Madisons water
was fluoridated. I did now know why, suddenly, my dormant ulcer should
start kicking up, why there was constant pain in my right side, why cold
chills ran up and down my left side when I lay in bed. Neither did my
doctor know, for hed never been taught to say, Possibly you cannot
tolerate fluoridated water. Lets quit it and see. Instead he said, Getting
old, Mona, getting old.
No, it was up to me to find out what had happened. It was up to me to
determine why I was so sore that I could not turn over in bed without
pulling myself over by grasping the edge of the mattress; why I could not
sleep through a night without such pain that I must spend the last three
hours in the reclining chair. It was up to me to find out why I had
suddenly developed allergies; and to determine that after six months
without fluoridated water I no longer needed the shots which had been
given me on a regular basis for over seven years. And I found it out by
myself just by not using Madisons fluoridated water.
Washing dishes became an impossible task, for my lungs and ribs
seemed ready to break out in rebellion. The doctor thought the sink was
too low; he told me my lungs were okay, there was nothing wrong with
my liver there was nothing wrong with me.
Then why couldnt I write? My job depended on my writing notes on
the margins of the students papers, and I found myself writing about five
times the size letters Id always written. As I wrote my arm would
suddenly twitch and the stroke would jump up the page about an inch. It
was aggravating and humiliating. Yet what could I do? I was okay
physically, my doctor said I was.
Then I found out about Madisons fluoridated water and I quit drinking
it. The Natural Foods people in Madison helped me to obtain food and
water that was not fluoridated, that was not poisoned by fertilizers,
herbicides, and insecticides. I owe a mountain of thanks to them and my
only way of repaying them is to help let the world know about the
damage fluoridated water can do to the health mental and physical of
some individuals.
You may say, But possibly it was the herbicides and insecticides which
harmed you. Yes, they harmed me, but Ive found out by drinking just
one glass of Madisons water (not changing my diet in any other way)
that the old pains and miseries will return. And so now I know.
Now I know that if I am to live in Madison and my work demands that
I live here I must not drink its fluoridated water. Now I know that I must
carry my own food and water with me when I am to be away from my
apartment for any appreciable length of time. I have a special drawer in
my desk at work where I have three small jars of water on hand at all
times. I cannot go down to the break room and have a cup of coffee with
my co-workers; I must sit at my desk for my break. I cannot go to office
parties, church gatherings, or to the restaurants in Madison for a snack
with friends during a shopping tour. I cannot go to conventions in some
cities in Wisconsin without carrying my food and water with me. And
where am I to eat while my friends are banqueting?
Recently I rebelled, decided that one meal with friends would not hurt
me. I was wrong. It took me three weeks to undo the damage. My ankles
remained swollen for that period, and are still tender to the touch. The
old pain in the intestinal tract returned, my heart did a thump-thump at
the lease exertion, and my eyes watered, my hands trembled as with the
I recently found it necessary to go to another dentist who told me, on
my second visit, that my teeth were mottled. Mottled teeth? Why, I
asked? He did not know. Nor do I.
The small Wisconsin town where I spent the first 19 years of my life
contains about two parts per million of fluorine in its water. Was that
sufficient to cause mottling? I suppose so, for the U.S. Public Health
Service has found mottled teeth in Kewanee, Illinois, and Marion, Ohio,
which both have naturally fluoridated water.
Could my jawbones have been affected by the fluorine I got from the
drinking water as a child? Could that be why, after coming to Madison
and drinking its fluoridated water my jawbones ached when I ate carrots
and chewed meat? Could that be why large fillings fell out of my teeth
after I came to Madison, why the dentist could find no reason for the
constant pain in one incisor?
Could be, for that pain left me after I quit drinking Madisons
fluoridated water; but the damage is there. Important teeth are gone and
store-bought ones replace them.
The damage is there, too, for I cannot use Madisons water for any
purpose not even for bathing and for washing dishes. That statement
seems incredible, but it is true. I suppose it is the steam which affects me.
Some say it is possible; others say it is impossible. All I know is that my
lungs and ribs are no longer sore. I sleep through the night; I roll over in
bed with practically no pain. I write between the lines with small,
compact letters and my pen does not jump the page. My doctor says,
As long as it makes you comfortable. Thats all that is necessary. Who is
to say why you are affected, and the vast majority of people are not?
Who is to say that you imagine things, and be right in their assertion? You
are getting better every day. Youre free of pain. Let them talk.
But I do not let them talk any more. I talk back. Im fighting it now, out
in the open. Im locking horns with those who say Im a kook, a food
faddist, a hypochondriac. I may not see the end of fluoridation in my time
but they will know that Im not silent. The end of fluoridation would not
help me, for the remnants of it will be in the pipes for many, many years,
and my body is so sensitized to it that I could not drink the water even if
they never put another drop of fluoride into the water in Madison. Sad,
but true!
So keep up your good work. Ill fight in my small way. Others will join
forces. And one day we will lick it. Correspondence from Ramona H.
Paddock, Madison, Wisconsin to Dr. Allen E. Banik.

It might be of interest to you to know that I can substantiate your thesis
on distilled water, The Choice is Clear, which I have just read.
On a St. Patricks Day many years ago I was hospitalized with a massive
coronary thrombosis. I was a fat old man with all the qualifications for
becoming a typical cardiac cripple.
The emergency procedures of the medical doctors undoubtedly saved my
life, but I had serious doubts as to the efficacy of their long-range cures
which included heparin shots, etc. Instead, I put myself on a strict
regimen of diet, vitamin therapy, distilled water, and exercise.
The results have exceeded my expectations. I feel better at 67 than I did
at 47. My arteries have softened; my joints have limbered; my vision is
sharper; my nerves are calmer; and my head is clearer. Your book and Dr,
Braggs have convinced me that the distilled water has been the most
important faces of my rejuvenation program!
Good luck in your fight against pollution. Your book should be required
reading in schools and colleges Ben H. Martin, California.
Seven years ago I broke my arm. Later on arthritis set in and I was
unable to raise my arm, or sleep on my right side. After reading your
book and applying your theories, my arthritis disappeared, and I can now
sleep most comfortable. Mrs. P.B., Nebraska
I was completely exhausted doing even a part of my housework. Now I
can work all day and enjoy it. Mrs. J.L., Nebraska
I just finished reading your book, The Choice is Clear. You spelled it out
very clearly. I consider it a most excellent presentation. I would like to
obtain these books in quantity to help spread the gospel. Pastor
C.N.K., California
Your book proves one of the most exciting breakthroughs in healthful
living. It made a believer out of me. Please send me a hundred copies to
give to my patients. Dr. W.G.H., Iowa
Through the years I lost four parakeets with infectious arthritis.
Pronounced incurable. This disease again struck the fifth one. His little
feet were all crippled, and he was just wasting away. After applying your
suggestions, my parakeet is now well and happy. The deposits are
dissolved from his feet, and he can nimbly hop on his perches. He is
eating again, to a point of being plump. Dr. J.C.T., Atlanta, Georgia
My doctor said, You have an incurable disease. A month or so ago, my
ankles began to swell. After drinking distilled water, the swelling went
down. I am now beginning to feel better all over. I never realized the
marvelous benefits of distilled water. V.E.C., Minnesota
Soft Water and Hard Arteries
Some years ago, Lancet magazine stated there may be a correlation
between soft water and hardening of the arteries and that hard water
saturated with calcium and magnesium added elasticity to the arteries.
Some of our unwary writer, advocating the inorganic way of life,
somehow twisted their thinking to the hard water theory. It is my firm
belief that once you believe in the organic way of life, you better stick to
it all the way.
Dr. Henry Schroeder, of Dartmouth Medical School, an opponent of the
hard water theory, has long been intrigued by the physiologic and
pathologic effects of trace elements. He lays the blame not on soft water
not its lack of calcium and magnesium but to its high cadmium content
derived from the plumbing in the soft water supply. Cadmium competes
with zinc to coenzyme processes, replacing zinc in metabolic activities
related to fat utilization. He feels that cadmium is the key factor in the
pathogenesis of both arteriosclerosis and hypertension. His excellent The
Trace Elements and Man is now in print.
So it is not the soft water that is to blame, but in the chemicals water
picks up through our water mains. Distilled water, or any water, must not
travel through copper, iron or lead pipes. For a simple experiment, pour a
little water in a glass jar and let it evaporate. Do likewise with distilled
water, and note the results.
It is now well recognized that gallstones are formed from the
constituents of bile and contain cholesterol, bile pigments, and inorganic
calcium salts. If calcium contributes to gallstones and kidney stones, why
would it not cause hardening of the arteries? The choice seems to be very
This book was written to help you understand the relation of water to
your health and longevity, and subsequently the health of our nation. As
you plan your future and that of your children, dont overlook the
underlying cause of all aging diseases. Learn the facts; become aware of
the truth and build a strong, healthy America.
We do not live alone, nor do we work alone. Only by the combined
efforts toward a common cause can we move the mountains before us.
With this thought in mind, I humbly submit my small contribution to you.
May it grow in your heart as it did in mine.

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