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EAV – Electro Accupunture by Dr. Reinhold Voll


The Mesenchymal Reactivation Cure of Voll, Revisited

Mesenchymal Reactivation Cure was developed in the 1950s by my mentor, the German medical doctor Reinhold Voll (1909-1989). It was a treatment system called Electroacupuncture according the Voll (EAV), a method and system of diagnosis and therapy which is drugless and entirely painless. Today, this method has evolved and is used to identify the precise focal point(s) of the source of disease and for selection of homeopathic, herbal and nutritional remedies to be used in therapy.The purpose of E.A.V. is to establish a Functional Evaluation of the Energetic State of the organism through the electric measurement of Acupuncture and other topical points, in order to determine the vitality of tissues and organs which are not functioning adequately. We measure the skin conductance of points that are connected to an organ or a tissue in order to discover energetically, unbalanced systems knowing that the energetic equilibrium of the human organism is balanced in health, but altered, among other things, by the negative and toxic influences exercised in many aliments; and by poisons, drugs, insecticides, viruses, bacteria, harmful electromagnetic fields, etc…..
The new physics of the 21st century shows that the physical body is the emitting and receiving focus of electromagnetic waves and signals. Cells, organs, as well as the entire organism, constitute an oscillatory ensemble of sound and light, which is constantly generating weak electromagnetic waves that reach resonance in health. This resonance maintains body stability and equilibrium, aka homeostasis. In dissonance, the body becomes dis-eased, with disruption of electrical forces that we can measure on the skin by virtue of the nervous system. In cardiology, this is performed with an electrocardiogram (EKG), in neurology this done with an electroencephalogram (EEG). In EAV, a very small electric current (of about 1 Volt and 10 Microamperes) is sent through the acupuncture point. The result of the conductance results in a measurement which can be observed on a meter. The ideal measurement in health is between 50 and 65%. Depending on the results observed on the gauge (graduated from 1 to 100%), it is possible to draw the conclusion that high values represent irritation or inflammation, whereas low values represent depleted energy and degeneration.

Formerly, electroacupuncturists aimed their therapy for mesenchymal reactivation cure. Dr. Voll and colleagues realized that connective tissue (mesenchyme) and stroma (the connective framework) stored thes body’s toxic substances. Mesenchyme, aka fascia, acts as the body’s filling, connective and supportive tissue between organs and bones. This is where it is observed that substances that cannot be readily excreted from the body such as salts, metabolic waste products, drug residues, heavy metals, toxic substances from the environment, and the remains of infections are deposited. This leads in time, during the aging process, to the storage function being totally overloaded, (akd “mesenchyme blockage”) in which vital organs when compromised are then flooded with toxins resulting in a crisis called illness. This in turn disrupts the tissue’s normal nutrition and defence functions, as well as the body’s ability to heal itself. EAV offers a unique treatment method, which both accelerates the excretion of harmful substances and stimulates the defence system. This was achieved by a homeopathic treatment regimen involving homeopathic nosodes, e.g. streptococcin, homeopathically derived organ preparations, e.g. thymus, mineral and botanic homeopathic agents. Voll’s mesenchymal reactivation cure required dozens of homeopathic remedies, administered over ten weeks or more, and was indeed a slow process and eventually fell into disuse by most practitioners, including the author’s. In our fast paced world, more rapid and efficacious means needed to be found.

The first challenge was to define the nature of the measurement points of Voll, determine which ones coincided with the points of traditional acupuncture, and elaborate their utility. The author has been conducting clinical and empirical research for more than thirty years on thousands of patients. Other topographical systems had similar components that contributed immensely to research. As early as 1875 Dr. Weihe introduced the method of “painful” pressure points. This implies that when a homoeopathic remedy is indicated, its corresponding Weihe point produces an acute pain when pressed. This was a pioneering work by a non-acuuncturist and a very successful attempt to connect homoeopathy to other energetic systems. A few decades later (1947), Dr. Roger de La Fuye, a French acupuncturist and homeopath, discovered that most of Weihe’s points coincided exactly with acupoints, and not only had identical locations, but also affected the same symptomatology. De La Fuye was the first doctor to treat his patients with parallel therapy, using needle acupuncture and corresponding homeopathic remedies given orally. That combination gave better clinical results with his patients as compared to therapy with each modality separately. De La Fuye continued his study, adding to Weihe’s points.

At the turn of the 20th century, the osteopath Frank Chapman, DO, discovered discrete tissue texture changes that were consistently palpable at specific anatomic landmarks that were specific for organ pathology. These neurolymhatic reflexes have been described as “small pearls of tapioca” that are firm, partially fixed, and located under the skin in the deep fascia of the mesenchyme. Chapman theorized that organ-specific pathology would cause these small palpable masses or “gangliform contractions.” When present, these contractions occur at specific loci and correspond to specific organs; they denoted the presence of organ-specific pathology and had
both posterior and anterior locations, remarkably similar to the ancient Chinese Back-Shu and Front-Mu points. In the upper lungs, for example, the anterior reflex is located in the third intercostal space bilaterally, adjacent to the sternum (the Chinese point Kidney 24). For the lower lungs, the anterior reflex is located in the fourth intercostal space, bilaterally, adjacent to the sternum also. The corresponding posterior points are located between the third and fourth transverse processes for the upper lung and the fourth and fifth transverse processes for the lower lung, midway between the tip of the transverse process and the spinous process bilaterally. Any disease process in the lung (eg, pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma) would cause these palpable reflexes to appear. Chapman recorded that as these reflexes were predictable, they could be used as an aid in diagnosis as well as a modality of manipulative treatment.The author was most fortunate to have been given Dr. Chapman’s original points chart by his daughter now living in Florida.

In 1982, the author took up a systematic study of the Weihe points, after having catalogued all of Dr. Voll’s points into the first Volume I: Electroacupuncture (1981). In 2001, the most elaborate volume was finally assembled in POINTS 2001, which listed all the acupuncture points, classical, strange, and new; family points, collected by the author those points handed down by teachers and masters of the art through generations; as well as the points of Weihe, Chapman, and Voll. What became clear in the research was that the topographical points are actually layered, even though the dermal-anatomical location may be one and the same, the actual location of the point in question would be at a depth, subcutaneous within the dermatome, or deeper into muscles within the myotome, or even deeper within the viscerotome, or even on the periosteal surface of bone itself. It is these deeper points, outside the Voll system that provided the answers.

Dermatome Ah shi, Auricular, Voll, Weihe, Akabane Points, Scalp acupuncture
Trigger points, the Great Points of acupuncture, Motor Points
Points in the sinews, Chapman Points, Pressure Point Healers
Viscerotome Abdominal fascial points; Hara Points

Pressure Point Healing™, medically defined

Pressure Point Healing is a method developed by the author of analyzing and treating illness and pain precipitated by toxic deposits that disturb the body’s electrophysiology. These electrical disturbances have been called various names down through the years, e.g. “hot spots,” “interference fields,” “trigger points,” “ah shi points,” “ganglioform contractions,” etc.; and are manifestations of electrical membrane disruptions and typically cause abnormal autonomic nervous system responses. Interference fields are basically irritant foci that are found in skin scars, muscles, ligaments, teeth, internal organs or other locations asssociated with autonomic ganglia where local tissue irritation exists. These irritations from the foci through the sympathetic nerves, find their way to the spine and overload neurological circuits resulting in faulty autonomic steering. Manifestations of faulty autonomic steering are familiar to physicians with skills in bedside diagnosis, manifesting in changes of pupil size, hyperhidrosis, eyelid ptosis, facial tics, tremor, malar flush, etc. but deeper manifestations accompany faulty steering leading to a choking off (through the lymphatic’s as Chapman observed) of endocrine secretions (goiter), regional lymphatic stasis (boggy eyelids), swollen breasts, nail dystrophy, irritable bowel, constipation, rhinorrhea, dry eye syndrome, stasis dermatitis, etc.

Interference fields have lower (degenerative) or higher (inflammatory) electrical potentials than surrounding tissues. Thus, in a degenerative foci, think of it as a black hole, or in terms of electronics a sink where electric current is drained away, like an old blackhead or abscess. Inflammatory, or hot spots, serve as a source, where irritant currents are generated, like a splinter under the fingernail. These toxic deposits are embedded within the body’s fascia. This vast connective tissue network has been shown to be the pipelines of energy transmission, conforming well to the meridian concept of Chinese acupuncture. Connective tissue fascia surrounds the muscles and this is why so many acupuncture points are located in the muscular spaces (sulcus). Connective tissues of our body include the skin, bones, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, and various membranes covering major organs and linings of internal spaces. Anatomists tend to see them as serving purely mechanical functions to keep the body in shape, or out of shape, e.g. pot belly, cellulite, baldness, turkey waddles, and facial wrinkles. Actually, the connective tissues are largely responsible for the rapid intercommunication that enables our body to function effectively as a coherent whole, and are therefore central to our health and wellbeing. Connective tissue fasica also has been shown to have piezoelectrical properties which is why massage, hot baths and exercise can be so beneficial to recuperate a failing organism.

Electric currents flow throughout the body’s fascial network but these irritant foci send confusing signals to the body’s autonomic nervous system. An easy way to realize this is to find one of these foci, i.e. contact pressure points, and press firmly on it, and witness the pain signals they set up and send throughout the body. The body reacts in inappropriate ways, resulting in altered autonomic nervous system tone, chronic pain and/or dysfunction. A classic example of a really powerful irritant focus is the excruciating pain of a common toothache. Now imagine lower levels of chronic irritation, and having about twenty or thirty hot spots percolating irritations throughout your body, 24/7. These low level, irritant foci, not only inhibit self healing, but disturb digestion, create pain syndromes when working in tandem, e.g. backache or headache, alter thinking patterns and memory, and even establish the breeding ground for cancer and other degenerative diseases. Even more disturbing, in today’s toxic world, everybody has them, not just one or two, but dozens!
Interference fields can be found almost anywhere in the body, head, neck arms, legs, and are often far from the part of the body experiencing symptoms. For example, an old tendon scar or toxic salt deposits in the ankle might precipitate migraine headache; or a palpable trigger point or two in the buttock may cause chronic low-back pain. For the most part, these relationships are often predictable because of the constancy of the location of the irritation centers on both maie and female, adult or child, because our nervous systems are hard wired at birth and grow in predictable patterns. Many of the interference fields you may know as acupuncture points. However, Pressure Point Healing™ has gone further, identifying specific loci that predictably disrupt the autonomic nervous system leading to systemic organ irritations and therefore interference fields must be searched for everywhere in the body if one is to think in terms of not only pain reduction, but genuine healing and detoxification. There are so many complaints that will prove recidivous in spite of our best therapies without resolving contributing interference fields. Reciprocally, by starting therapy with the Pressure Point Healing, complaints heal so much faster with little chance of return.

How to find interference fields

1. Identify previous injuries, surgical operations or illness preceding the patient’s symptoms.

The traditional way of finding interference fields is by taking a careful history of the patient’s problem to identify an injury, operation or illness in the months preceding the onset of symptoms. Typically, part of the body’s response to the injury or illness was a local “alarm reaction” involving the autonomic nervous system. The autonomic nervous system changes circulation to a body part when an insult affects that area of the body. Interference fields develop when the autonomic nervous system control does not return to normal after the insult due to toxic deposits, focalized infection, tissue acidosis, and nerve entrapment.

2. Palpate potential pressure points while testing the patient’s pain threshold.

A special system developed (Pressure Point Healing™) by the author, a palpatory and definitive way of finding interference fields is by making use of the body’s own electric field at hand. The electric field of the body depends on the generation of electricity by healthy tissue and its distribution throughout the fascia and nervous system. Just as blood must coarse over and around the body, delivering oxygen, so too must electric currents which assist with ion exchanges, stabilizing pH (hydrogen ions), healing and regenerating tissue, etc. If tissue is not receiving adequate electric circulation, as in an interference field that is swallowing up energy, it will be less vigorous and not have as strong an electric field over it. These toxic foci typically accumulate the morbid salts of various metabolic acids, e.g. butyric, lactic, acetic, uric, etc. deposited as small crystalline colloids at various points around joints and in the bottom of the feet (what some reflexologists call the ‘crunchies’). If tissue is receiving an excess electric source, or serve as a blocking source (electropile), it will be irritated and inflammatory, altering immune response, generating histamine, acids, and other toxins; and be acutely tender to palpation.
The interference field can be stimulated, temporarily, by vigorously palpating the spot with his or her hand. Petit micromassage is applied until the most pain can be generated. When this occurs, there is a generalized activation of the local pressure point with a corresponding inhibition of the patient’s muscles, aka pain response. Thus, the physician or person can search for interference fields by palpating the possible points while testing the patient’s pain threshold. Pain that results from the remote action of a hot spot or black hole can be relieved by removing a disrupted field with continued treatment called ischemic palpation, aka acupressure.

3. The third method is electrical measurement of the Pressure Point.

EAV measures the energetic, dynamic balance between human organs and the acupuncture points. The physician measures changes in electrical conductivity at the acupuncture points on the skin of the hands and feet, using a point electrode. The hot spot or black hole action follows the law of nature and operates as an electrical imbalance. This a targeted approach to identify irritation or weakness at certain organ and tissue functions of the body. The energy flow network of the body’s nervous system defines the natural course of the illness. This painless examination makes it possible to measure functional connections. The energetic condition of the human body can be affected by harmful environmental influences, drugs, toxins, insecticides (pesticides), viruses, bacteria, dental material hot spots and disrupted fields. These factors, for the most part intangible, can be analyzed by EAV without the need for invasive surgery or laboratory tests. The main essence of this method is to make a more in-depth analysis using additional information. This method increases the range of treatment options without significant side effects and has a good success rate in the treatment of all chronic and many acute illnesses.  In addition to the hot and cold spots, we can identify drainage herbs, vitamin-mineral deficiencies, and homeopathics that will assist with treatment options.

Conditions likely to be affected by an interference field
Clinical observation dictates nearly every patient is affected by interference fields in one way or another. Interference fields are core suspects in any seemingly trivial symptom that may be shrugged off as those of hypochondria. Many individuals with hypochondriasis express doubt and disbelief in the doctors’ diagnosis, and rightfully so once one understands interference fields and the complexity of the nervous system. Patients and even practitioners idly sit by having infected (amalgamated) tooth sockets, old sebaceous cysts, breast lumps, swollen tonsils, fungal infected toenails, etc. not to mention diffuse deposits of organic salts in the fascia of the bottom of the feet and spongioform colloids in between the ribs (Chapman’s reflexes/Points de Weihe). No one is immune from being affected by interference fields. In fact, one could say, interference fields are the chief aim of detoxification and will be the perverse deposits of faulty digestion and chemical pollution that will challenge us in 21st century therapeutics. Homeopathic therapy, bowel cleansing and colon hydrotherapy, vitamin C drips, juicing, fasting, etc. all can be viewed as secondary or adjunctive, and certainly necessary methods, but active dispersal of these toxic foci is the most rapid method of dislodging these toxic deposits, recuperating the patient, and thus a truly active form of therapy. The two most active and potent methods to dislodge these deposits are:

1. Mechanotherapy by ischemic compression, micromassage, acupressure; and

2. Electrotherapy, assisting in ionization and dislodging toxic salt deposits. (The origin and deposition of these toxic salts is an amazing story unto itself and chiefly centers around the digestive apparatus and faulty dietary of the 21st century, see the book THE TASTE TEST DIET).

All health practitioners should learn this system of Pressure Point Healing™ as a personal method of health maintenance; as a detoxification method par excellence; and a rapid system of patient treatment and pain relief. Specifically, any symptom related to bodily functions controlled by the autonomic nervous system, such as palpitations, brochospasm, indigestion, constipation, migraine, sexual dysfunction, dysmenorrhea, irritable bowel, hayfever, or even cold hands or feet, may be partially or totally caused by an interference field. Chronic pain—especially migraine—often has an autonomic component such as nausea, flush, or sweating. An interference field may also be suspected if any pain is accompanied by coldness, heat or change in skin color.

Pressure Point Healing as treatment of interference fields
If an interference field is found, it can be easily treated by ischemic compression, combined with microcurrent therapy. Additionally, a drop of the corresponding homeopathic remedy or tincture of iodine can be placed over the point prior to micromassage and irradiated with high frequency momentarily in order to inject the frequency into the central nervous system. The effect of injecting interference fields is immediate. There is sometimes sudden relief of symptoms—a “lightning reaction”— but any response typically will occur within the first few days. Treatment is then repeated until it is no longer required.
The author has compiled a complete Clinical Manual with specific protocols for the clinic, click here for more details. More can be learned at his upcoming seminars.


• Owens C. An Endocrine Interpretation of Chapman’s Reflexes, by the Interpreter. 2nd ed.

• De La Fuye, Roger. L Acupuncture Chinoise , Son Mystere ;Traite D Acupuncture Tome 1

• Fortier-Bernoville. Valeur clinique et thérapeutique de la Méthode des points douloureux. Homéopathie Moderne, N° 6, pages 421 à 441, date: 15 octobre 1932.

German medical Doctor Reinhold Voll (1909-1989)

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